Part 2

After this morning’s events with my father, I decided to stay as far away from the palace as I possibly could.  I stole myself into a grove of chestnut trees on the east side of the gardens.  The canopy allowed a small amount of light to reach the dirt floor as I trace through the well-worn path.  It always amazed to walk through the silent giants.  Also how enormous these patient lives could become.  Mayle had explained to me one day how a tiny seed grew into these great trees that loom over our heads.  After time and a bit of luck even the smallest of seed could grow up majestic and strong.

I reach a clearing amid the dense trees.  I always come to this spot when I want to be alone.  Only minimal light reaches the clearing giving it an eerie, almost forbidden effect.  After scurrying up a fallen tree, I snap off a straight branch and head back down to the ground.  Wielding the branch like a sword I imitate the fighters from the old television programs that I watch when no one is paying attention.  I face off against my invisible opponent, blocking every attack and advancing quickly.

 “Nice parry.”  The shock from the intruding voice causes my body to go ridged and I drop the branch.  “Your father would rupture his spleen if he knew what you were doing.”

‘You won’t tell him, will you Mayle?”

“I don’t think I could ever do that to you Master Milliardo.”  She delicately takes a seat on the ground, careful so as not to dirty her uniform, and then gently pats the ground next to her.  I take her invitation and set myself down at her side.  “You know your father is a really wonderful man.  He’s done so much for everyone here.  I’m sure that you’ll grow up to be a strong leader just like him.”

I ponder her words for a moment before responding, “What is father doing?”

 “Why he’s creating peace young master.”

“But the man this morning said we’re going to be attacked!”

“It’s none of my business what was said this morning.  We can only have faith that your father knows what he is doing.”

We sit in silence as endless minutes tick by.  Although it should have been, the void of talking was not awkward.  Mayle and I always had a connection ever since I could remember.  I only see father during our daily breakfast meetings.  And now ever since Relena was born, my mother has been so entranced by the girl I never see her anymore.  Mayle is the only who will stay with me.  With her soft blue eyes and flowing bronze hair, she always has a sort of peace that surrounds just her.  Her half smiles meant only for me always spark a giggle to escape my lips.  We had our secrets too.  She was sure to always keep from my father my actions that would surely warrant a severe punishment, like my pretend sword fighting today. 

I also knew about some of Mayle’s past, of which she never told anyone.  She was a refugee from a space colony before the military took control, back when she was only thirteen.  She lost her entire family during that time, her parents we’re killed attempting to flee and her older brother was captured while trying to get to the shuttle that only she had managed to board. When she came here she was desperate, with no money and no friends; she had nothing.  My father gave her a job here in the palace and a reason for her to continue to living. 

Mayle was designated my caregiver because of her sweet disposition and knowledge of space.  She would tell me stories about outer space at bedtime, but after hearing the wondrous tales I could never fall asleep.  She knew the legends of most every constellation and would tell me of the long ago cultures that discovered each one.  Even at the age of nineteen she is one of the most knowledgeable persons that I know

She was the one who created my need to know every aspect of outer space.  She planted the seed inside of me that would grow until it devoured me whole.

“What are you thinking about child?”

“Just how wonderful it is to have you.”

“That’s so kind of you to say.  Now come over here and give old Mayle a hug!”  She scoops me up into a warm embrace.

“You’re not old Mayle!”

“Once again you’re being too kind!”  With that statement she plants a kiss on my cheek.  I quickly try to wipe it away while spouting off nonsense about germs.  She wrestles me to the ground; tickling my sides till my face is red and I can’t stop laughing.  She finally stops after a few minutes of my pleading.  It was then when we heard the first of the mobile suits flying overhead. ~~~


The pain, it’s the only thing I can feel right now.  Not only the pain in my body, but in my heart.  I had let them all down.  I didn’t become the strong leader that I was supposed to become; instead I’m out on the battlefield taking orders from my superiors.  My hands have become so saturated with blood that I can see the vile red liquid coating every surface.  It spreads from my hands, up my arms and consumes my entire being.  I wince as a new lance of pain stabs through my abdomen.

“Get him back under now!  I can’t do surgery if he’s awake!  Pay attention to the patient and not the nurse!”

As suddenly as I woke up I slip back into the oblivion that is my subconscious.

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