Part 3


//The peace of space.  A place of death, but with so much power.  Yet within this hollow and desolate void there is a chance to create a new world. 

A place where mistakes of the past can be rectified.  Changes can be made.  Worlds can be born.

Each star becomes a testament to the great power that controls the direction of all things. 

Floating, there is no true death here.  Just an infinite amount of space and time.

Lost, within the bonds that money brings.  Locked away for all eternity

Harboring anguish, pain, guilt.  Become one with self, people world.//


~~We were just enjoying ourselves in the clearing when the deafening roars started.  The rumble growing like distant thunder.  Since then, the sound has been growing louder with every passing moment.  I had never heard something so earsplitting in all my life.  I can’t even imagine what sort of creature could make suck a noise.  I soon cover my ears to block out a small portion of the horrendous noise.

“What is that Mayle?”  I yell.  I look stare intently at her, but she doesn’t take notice

“Let’s get somewhere safe,” Mayle states as she grabs my hand and takes off through the grove.  She moves fast and I can barely feel my feet pounding on the ground.  The trees pass by as a blur as Mayle keeps up her frivolous pace.  My heart is pounding so fast I can barely breathe.  My young body tires quickly, but I am forced to press onward or get drug along behind.

Mayle stops abruptly at the mouth of the trees.  The inertia from our run almost sends my body careening forward into the clearing of the gardens.  She quickly pulls me back under the slight cover of the trees and listens to the monstrous beasts, carefully calculating the next move.  I can tell that she knows what is happening, but just won’t tell me.  She is running purely on instinct, every decision that she makes will affect out lives.  One wrong move and it’s checkmate.

“What is it, Mayle?”

“Shh!”  I have never seen her face so distraught before.  I can see the terror flickering through her eyes.  When she felt it was safe enough for us to pass through the gardens to the palace, we darted out of the grove.  Dodging around shrubs and lattices covered in grapevines.  The ground is littered with debris that has been blown off the nearby trees.  The gardens had always been carefully tended to, now they look as if a war took place in them. 

We only covered half of the distance before I was thrown to the ground, a body shielding my own. I can feel the tremor through the earth the moment the explosion sounds.  Chunks of dirt and grass rain down upon us.  I barely have time to think of how close the blast was before Mayle pulls me back up to my feet.  When we continue towards the palace, I notice that we aren’t moving as fast this time.  It is then that I see the grimace on her face.  She was trying to hide it, but after knowing her all my life, I can tell that she is hurting…badly.

The awesome noise is getting louder again.  I take my first glance at the sky since the whole commotion began.  A giant machine is circling and making its way back towards the palace.  Its human-like features catch me off guard.  In the old films they had tanks, but nothing as complicated as the metal beast flying in our direction.  It lifts its weapon, a giant gun of some sorts.  It aims at a truck in front of the palace and fires in rapid succession.  The explosion causes the vehicle to soar upwards before crashing back down onto the pavement as a lump of twisted metal.

My arm is almost ripped out of the socket when Mayle decides to change our course.  We are not heading towards the palace anymore.  I almost question her motives for the decision, but I realize the answer for myself.  There is more then one suit attacking.  Rising from the great palace are billows of black, acrid smoke. 

The palace is burning.  ~~


So tired, my body feels like it’s been beaten beyond recognition.  I can’t tell if I’m alive still.  I must be alive; death could never hurt so badly.  I try moving my body, but once again it refuses to respond.  So cold and so alone, such is my life and what it is destined to be.

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