My Bio
Trais WhiteWolf

This is me...

Name: Trais WhiteWolf
Age: 27
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius - Pisces Cups
Eye Color My eye color is Green
Hair Color My hair color is Brownish Red
Intrests: My interests are Drawing, painting, reading, taking long walks in the forest, playing music, listening to music, and writing. Anything from books to poems.
Fav. Movie: It would have to be "Practical Magic". With Sandra Bullock. If i were to list all of my Favorite Movies of all time then i would be typing forever. The one i mentioned above is probably my most Fav.
My Totem Animal: My totem animal is the Wolf. I have chosen the name "Trais", but the name "WhiteWolf" was given to me by my "Spirit Guides". I recently have also been working with Dragons a lot too. So look for more interesting information on Dragons.
My Fav. Book: Lets see my favorite book. That is a hard one... There are just so many to chose from that i have read. My most recient Fav. would have to be "WITCH a Magical Journey" by the lovely Fiona Horne. I recoment it to everyone to read. I hope to have a Readers List up soon. That I hope everyone will enjoy.

NEWS FLASH: Hello all i just wanted to let you know that i have now started my very own candle business it is called; FANTASY FLAME CANDLE COMPANY. The link is on my front page under the link Called Candles.


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