"The battle ground between good and evil."

WARNING!! This page is under heavy contruction. So Be sure to check back from time to time to see what i've done. Thanks.Trais WhitWolf

The wonderful and ever beautiful planet of Tyrazod, is home to many wonderful and not so wonderful people and creatures. It for many years has been home to some of the most bloody wars, and greatest triumps, ever. Below i the great sage of all, Carrick GreatOak, will tell you bout many of the wonderful and not so wonderful places in Tyrazod. Also you will find stories that i will share with you. i also have pictures that i have sketched myself of many of the places in Tyrazod. I'll discuss some of the people of Tryazod, and many of the Kingdoms in which they come from. Their lives, and some of there adventures.. So please come on in have a seat, and i I'll grab you a mug of ale. I hope you enjoy your stay.

The FIVE Major Continents


The Seventeen Islands

BANE [off the coast of Duran]
BARREN [off the coast of Tarin]
BEIGHU [off the coast of Duran]
BLOODSTONE [off the coast of Stram]
COL [off the coast of Duran]
DUX [off the coast of Azmondor]
ICY [off the coast of Tarin]
JANSIC [off the coast of Goldron]
MAN [off the coast of Goldron]
MALUK [off the coast of Stram]
OMEN [off the coast of Tarin]
OXFORD [off the coast of Duran]
SAU [off the coast of Stram]
STONEACRE [off the coast of Goldran]
The IsLand Chain of MANROK [off the coast of Goldron]
The IsLand Chain of SOULS [off the coast of Goldron]
WIGDON [off the coast of Goldron]