Hello,,my name is Kimberly.First i would like to say thanks for comeing to my site. This page will tell you about me.Well i was born in Illinios on 9-20-1981. Yep i am a virgo ;-). I was born into a family of 4 sisters. They are all married with kids.I'm married as well with 2 kids. I have a son named Kyle and a new baby girl named Kayle. If you would like to see what they look like i have a page for them under family. Along with some of my other family, i plan to put more on,soon i hope. The pictures on this site are not all that great.I'm just learning to use my camera. It can be a pain in the ass to mess with...lol. I suppose one day i will get it all worked out. I am in to alot of things.I would say dancing is my most favorite thing to do. I like all types of it such as,dirty,slow,fast and i am working on learning salsa. That should be fun. I enjoy all music from country to rap and everthing in between. I love fishing and camping i like the outdoors alot.I'm more of a summer and spring person i hate cold weather. I'm all so a night person. Wrighting poetry is another fav of mine.You can read some of my stuff on my poems pages.And if you have any you would like to share please feel free to send it and i will add it on. I love reading books by Steven King and Danile Steel. And anything that is scary.Yep i like them horror movies too ;-). I mean don't get me wrong i like love storys to and action,but horror has to be my fav. I all so like to wright books,I am working on one now but i spen more time in this site than i do on my book,so i don't think it will me done for awhile. I would say i wright poems and storys to express my feelings. It seems as though you can expressyour most deepest secrets and all your passions for life. On a piece of paper with out hesitating. Lets see i all so like nitting,woodworking,painting,sculpting,croshaying,crossstich,sewing. I love long walks,witch i usally take alone but every now and then it is nice to be with someone. I like working out.I even try singing but i suck at it but yet i still do it for fun. I would say i am a open person and likes to try new things. I like being onest as much as i can. I want to think some friends and family for putting up with me. First would be Lacy,she has been my bestfriend since 4th grade. She has allways been there.We have ahd tuff times but we are still the best of friends. Second would be a new friend of mine named James. Thank you for being a friend i can talk to you and listen.and being sweet..;-) And Josh thanks for being so sweet and kind and funny. And John for being sweet and allways trying to help. And all my friends on my pager for being so cool and being able to talk and have fun. And the big thanks to my hole family. I love you all. Too me having friends and family is a gift that i would never return. I would have nothing with out them. Alot of people ask me to tell them about my self. I really never have anything to say so i hope this page will cover everything you would like to no.I like making new friends,haning out, I all so like helping people, like when they need a friend i like to be here for them so they have someone to talk to. Now don't get me wrong i can be a BITCH, when need be. I try not to be but sometimes that is the way it is. I all so get alot of questions about my tattoos. I have alot of them. Left arm=Kimberly plus lacey friends forever.thug...cross. Right arm=bone...PaNtHeR...panther crawling out of skin...weird cross. Back=Heart with roses....S.. Knucles=LOVE HURTS... Right leg=Skull....Satin.....little design.... Left leg=a panther..a heart with "69"....C.J. Left breast= a rose. I see them as art and something i enjoy very much.Alot of people will judge me cause of them. I can't stand that but that is the way the world works. I don't judge by the outside i judge by what counts the heart,soul,mind. But thats just how i am. You can eaither like me for who i am or you can go to hell :-). I am going to put some pics of my tatts on here since everyone wants to ask about them. The next couple of pages are pics i will probly keep adding more and more...lol. Ok so you want to see some pics well, just click on the next and it will take you to al my pics there are alot of pges to look at so i hope you enjoy.