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Boyd Quotes

Dr. Craig Boyd

So I took this History of Philosophy class spring semester of '01 and an Ethics class spring semester of '02 with Dr. Boyd. Great class. I learned a lot and in the process I gained many great quotes that are catalouged here. Enjoy...

History of Philosophy

"Let's call the tree Harvey...let's call the squirrel Sally." 2/2/01

"My friends would say I was hoisted on my own pitard. I don't know what it is, but it sounds sharp!" 2/20/01

"Jesus isn't just whipping out Scriptures and doing a victory dance in the endzone when the devil is defeated." 2/22/01

"Ok, everybody shut Christian love." 3/1/01

"The muslim heaven doesn't sound like much fun for women." Karen Walton 3/6/01

"It's not poetry if I say 'Hey, my wife's good-looking'." 3/13/01

"Esau is a major doofus! He sold his birthright for lunch?" 3/13/01

"God knows a world where I have identical triplets named Floyd, Lloyd, and Mergetroid Boyd. I'd feel sorry for Mergetroid!" 3/13/01

"In the benevolent dictatorship of Craig Boyd, you will go caffeineless." 3/20/01

"Looking at women in bikinis is a sport." 3/20/01

"Mel Gibson's butt doesn't do anything for me." 3/20/01

"Hume is going to do this to you and I'm going to do it to you too." 3/22/01

"I could take a vacation to Aruba. I don't really know where Aruba is-maybe off the coast of South America, but it sounds exotic, doesn't it?" 4/3/01

"The dog is aesthetically schizoid." 4/12/01

" there a rule that says 'I will not kiss someone else and stick my tongue in their mouth'?..." 4/19/01

"I'm not Dr. Evil-I'm Dr. Mildly Evil." 4/24/01

"I'm what's wrong with society" 4/24/01

"I'm just a teddy bear-no one understands that." 4/26/01

"See if you can find the gene for dancing-I need it." 4/26/01

"The religion/philosophy department: We are like the Borg." 5/1/01

"Have you seen those ITT commercials...I just want to reach through the TV screen and slap those people around." 5/3/01

"I loved Dr. Mulholland's classes 'cause I could do whatever I darn well pleased in those classes!" 5/3/01

"Hi. My name is Craig and I'm an essentialist." 5/10/01

"Strengths finder? I've got strategy and we've been happily married ever since." 5/10/01


"If anyone ever cheated in an Ethics class, there is a special place in Dante's Hell for you." 01/29/02

"Without categories you would be epistemologically schizophrenic" 02/05/02

"There is no grizzly bear justice!" 02/05/02

"My friend Manny, or you can call him Immanuel, Immanuel Kant" 02/05/02

"I could pull out my 44 and ask them if they're feeling lucky." 02/05/02

"You're nuts...Kant knows it, we know it, the rest of the world knows it!" 02/05/02

"Don't do stupid stuff in the name of God! It's still stupid stuff!" 02/05/02

"There are many streams that have good water in them. Well, some of the are cess pools." 03/12/02

"glorcum (glcrkum): someone who takes evening classes and is prone to laughter"

"Let's get creedal" 04/30/02

"You never know when you're going to hear good theology on Letterman." 04/30/02

"After a certain stage in life, senility sets in. That thing has got me in a deathgrip. I'm going to be really bad when I'm 80, if I get there." 04/30/02

"It's not THAT interdisciplinary!" 04/30/02

"Meg, the militant Quaker" 05/07/02

"How happy can your average pagan be?" 05/07/02

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