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Some poetry written by me

Always and Forever Yours
Your eyes, your lips, your skin.
They way your body feels against mine.
These are not the reasons why
I love you like I do.
When no one else wanted to listen,
You were there in a split second.
You always had time for me,
And cared for me through all my faults.
You trusted my judgment
Though it hurt you sometimes.
And you did everything in your power
Just to see a smile cross my face.
You would never fight with me
Unless I was hurting myself.
You were my best friend—
Through thick and thin, in sickness and in health.
Till death do us part, I will love you,
My angel, my world, my everything.
am i just a diamond for you
to gawk at?
to find flaws in?
to be careless with?
to take advantage of?
to criticize the size and shape of?
to ignore completely when your income is up?
am i just a stone to you?
or do I have the gift to change your life?
am I the gift to change your life?
I hope so—
because a Diamond can surely be worth a lot—
especially for you.
Alone, scared, and frightened, I lay tonight
In my bed
Calling, yelling, and shouting, I hear them
In my dreams
Beggars, starved, and dead, they come to me
For my help
Running, screaming, and crying, I try to escape
From my nightmares
Alone, scared, and frightened, I will not sleep tonight
Our Star
We cannot let the Darkness take over.
You and I, a Star, among the darkest of nights.
In a world of shame, despair, and grief,
What is left for you and me?
The flame that must be kindled by the deepest of love
Is within our reach.
But what if the world takes over our Star?
What if one word can make the Star crystalline?
A diamond that will never be cherished.
A diamond that will be despised.
But now, I look across the planet of Darkness,
And I find that there are a few specks of Light,
A few loves still survive, though some have dimmed.
It is not hopeless yet, my love,
For if all others fail, we will survive,
Our Star will be the sun for the darkest of nights.
Don’t scoff at him,
For he was a savior as much as a sinner,
A lover as much as a killer.
He cannot change the ways of war,
For he was a victim as much as a gunman.
Under the red, white, and blue,
He was a father, a brother, a son, a groom.
But when he returned from the desolation,
He was a murderer, a baby-killer, a corpse.
He left on a metallic giant with wings,
And returned in a cloth bag with a zipper.
His biggest honor was to have his name
Merely etched into a stone with thousands.
On the raven wall of the nation’s capitol.
The Night
The night, it comforts me.
The darkness caresses me, dances upon my skin, lifts me to another world.
A world away from betrayal, from disappointment, from judgment.
The night, it comforts me.
I’m allowed to be myself again, to think for myself again, to live as myself again.
No one to prove myself to, to criticize me, to hurt me.
The night, it comforts me.
The night, it is my sanctuary.
Union Soldier
A young soldier named Travers
was stumbling through familiar woods.
His friends and officers had all been shot,
and he sought a moment of rest.
Approaching a little cottage,
he almost collapsed upon the porch.
But opened the door a woman did
and helped him go a little more.
“You are welcome here,” she says,
“I have no friend or foe.
But mind yourself that in this house,
there is no such thing as war.”
She led him to a little room,
where toys were strewn about.
Covered in dust and faded with age,
they must have been there for years.
“My son, he dreamt of glory
to bring upon our name.
And yet all I can feel is sorrow,
for I miss it being a game.
But when you wake tomorrow morn,
I will give you food for your needs.”
So Travers crawled into the bed,
soon asleep he saw his comrades dead.
One face appeared most often,
and fear filled his heart.
He had not seen his brother dead,
so why was he playing a part?
The sun crept over the horizon,
and the young soldier woke to morn.
He felt a twist of pain in his stomach,
and thought of the woman’s words.
When entered through the kitchen,
young Travers felt a shock.
Feeling too hungry for words,
he sat across from the other soldier.
He devoured his breakfast
with no word to soldier or woman.
“Lee needs me on the front this afternoon.
You’ve been very kind to me, my mother,”
said the other soldier, rising from the table.
As the soldier made his way to exit,
young Travers followed closely.
“I’ll see you on the battlefield,” said he.
Gathering his Confederate luggage,
the soldier shed a tear.
Travers watched the soldier from the porch,
with an image burning in his mind—
the bad that said “Travers”
right beneath the Confederate symbol.
Young Travers packed his things
and straightened his Union armor
with tears flooding his eyes.
He and his brother, both Traverses,
children of this cottage,
would fight one another this very day.
There’s no escaping you—any of you
Night and day, no matter what I do—you’re there.
The air I breathe is your breath,
The light I see is your radiant glow,
The words I hear are only your sweet verse.
But it all is horribly unrequited.
When I wake, my world disappears,
Your arms no longer draw me near,
Your lips no long whisper softly in my ear,
Your amazing smile no longer warms my face.
To have that heaven ripped away
Became my own private Hell on Earth.
Oh, what I would give to have it as my own!
My own possession of that wonderful love,
That happiness that makes it all worth while.
But it seems hopeless now—empty and alone.
Here I am—waking every day to no light.
The clouds have gathered, and the rain pours down,
Washing away the sun—the warmth of you.
Who am I anyway?
How can I show you who I am?
You have ignored me for so long.
And now that I have the chance,
What in Heaven’s name do I say?
Can I explain by a few words?
Or must I show you by my actions?
I’m still nervous because of you,
Still jealous when you turn away.
And if I do show you my true self,
Will you laugh and talk behind my back?
Or will you love me more from truth?
And how do I know who I am?
I’m so afraid to tell you, but what about me?
Shouldn’t I tell myself first?
Who am I anyway??
you never and always
you never lie
because you never feel the need.
you never cry
because you are the shoulder to cry on.
you never care how i look
because to you i am always gorgeous.
you never hurt me
because all you know is to make me laugh.
you always care
because i am your number one.
you always share
because hiding things can just hurt me.
you always support me
because i will try my hardest, no matter what.
you always smile
because i need the encouragement.
you never feel
and you always disappear
because you do not exist.
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