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Who can join?

Can I join?

Membership is open to anyone who cares about the well-being and survival of the Jewish People. This means you have to be ready to fight for, or support, the fight for jewish rights, and true jewish values!

What if I can't/won't go into the streets?

Even though, for whatever reasons, you may not be able to "go into the streets" with the Jewish Defense League, you have the ability to effect change and/or have a say in issues important to the Jewish People. Remember, an armchair activist can be just as important, as anybody else!

Do I have to be Orthodox to join JDL? Are Conservative and Reform Jews welcome to join JDL? And what if I am not jewish?

The Jewish Defense League does not believe in "hypenated Jews": A Jew is a Jew to us. Our membership reflects this philosophy, running the gamut from those Jews who have no Jewish education to yeshiva-educated Jews. Reform, Conservative and unaffiliated Jews are well represented within JDL ranks. JDL membership is open to anyone who believes in our cause and is willing to defend Jewish rights, honor, individuals, property and institutions. If you are not jewish, but can understand, and support what we stand for, you can be made a member (please send me an e-mail about this isue if you are interested).
