Have you ever wondered what cat you would play if you were in CATS? Well, now you can know. Well, sorta. Ya see, I'll have you fill out this form below and then I'll use the information given to see which cat you might play. I'll give you the top three picks. I have to warn you though that this may not be totally acurate. But it might give you a better idea. Just e-meow me the information and I will try to let you know in a few days.
Info Needed
- Gender
- Age
- Height (short, medium, tall)
- Vocal Range
- On a scale from 1-10 (10 being the best) how you would rate your singing ability
- On a scale from 1-10 rate your dancing ability
- On a scale from 1-10 rate your flexibility
- On a scale from 1-10 rate your strength compared to people of the same age and gender
- Cats you would most like to play
- If you've taken dance lessons (specify how long and what kind)
- If you are, or were, on the pom pon squad
Please send this info to Clepsida