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Other Backstreet Encounters!

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My Encounter With RoRo and Brent

- October 5th, 1999 - We (Cherie, Betty, Emily, Amanda, Christi, my mom and I) Arrived at the All-State arena at 2:30 p.m., after what seemed like FOREVER we got to line up to get in. While we were waiting 2 men came up to me and my friends and introduced themselves to us. One introduced himself as RoRo, and one as Brent. RoRo said he was a Backstreet Dancer, and we got pics taken with him, and we talked to him. Some people were saying, "Your not a dancer! dance for us to prove it!" and he said, "I don't have to prove anything.." but some girls started dancing and I shook his hand, etc. Then I asked Brent if he was a BSB dancer too (although he was kinda chunky to be a dancer...etc..) and he said, "No, I am Nick's friend.." so we talked to him for awhile and got our pics taken with him. There is a transcript on my original page ( ( But I wanted to include pics on this page.

My Encounter with Louie Vigilante (Bass Guitarist)

- November 17, 1999 - Font size 3 In At the BSB concert in St. Louis, Missouri We snuck to the floor, and we were waiting for the BSB concert to start and we saw a blonde man walk behind us. He introduced himself to a lady as BSB's Bass guitarist. After he was done talking, I introduced him to myself and got my picture taken with him. We didn't talk to him much, but he seemed really nice. We told him we met RoRo and Brent in October, and I have him a picture of RoRo and I to give to Roland, and we asked him if he could tell Brent we were here...and about 20 mins later during the opening act Brent came out and we went for a walk with him. How cool, eh? (Once again, go back to my main page for the transcript!)

Meeting Guy Walker - BSB's acoustic and electric guitaris

March 7th, 2000 Once again I (recently!) just met some MORE BSB related people. I've worked for fan assoctiation for 3 concerts (2 BSB and 1 Rolling Stones hand out leaflets and get 30 free pictures!). We got to the March 7th concert at 2:30 or so and we met up with Stefanie Krug (one of the head managers of Fan- Association..) and we asked her if she needed help..which she was more than glad to have us there again! (BTW Check out their groovy homepage And we got in the gates early (as always) and instead of helping them pass out stuff right away, we snuck around! We watched a few mins of Manduh Williford rehearsing (boring...) and then we got caught and stuff...we walked around for awhile longer and then returned to help Fan-Association. While I was passing out the leaflets was getting bored, and I started to hand the guy a flier and he laughed and said "nah.." and I laughed and said, "oh duh YOU don't need one! And he said, "Nope.." and I said "Wait, I know're in the band!! And he said yup! I am Guy! And So I asked him if I could get my pic with him and he said, "Sure," so when Cherie was taking our picture he said, "Man...something smells GOOD, is that you? and I said yeah.." and he said "WOW!" LOL. Then I asked him if I could buy a Guido (Gwee-Doh) and he said, order it off the page...and we talked for a few more mins...but then he hadda go cuz they were gonna start soon. Meeting Amanda "Mandah" Williford "Willi Ford"

March 7, 2000 This is the encounter many people are waiting to hear. Here is a mini-FAQ! I received TONS of e-mail asking these questions!

Q) Was she a bitch?!

A)No, she was nice. Although, I think she was doing it because she was the opening act..and she KNOWS people know of her rep! She was nice, but I don't think she was sincere..

Q) Is Manduh Pretty?

A) Well, She isn't ugly as the pics on the net. Maybe it was she wasn't wearing glasses and her eyes weren't crossed in the pics lol. Her breath DIDN'T stink, she isn't fat...One thing was she was wearing way WAY too much glitter! THAT was nasty. She literally had it CAKED on.

Here is how I met her..After she performed (I don't really think she has a great voice, she is a good dancer), Cherie and I went to walk around waiting for the boys to come on, and we saw a mob of girls and we went over there and sure enough there was Manduh. I have to admit, my blood was boiling! I DON'T like her because of the fact of what she did to Brent and Nick..Anyways, we watched her sign autographs for awhile and then as the crowd cleared we went up to her and Cherie took a pic of me and her together (LOL I squeezed her arm....I was shaking!) and then Cherie walked over so she could ask her if Brent was on tour (cuz Cherie loves Brent!) and She grabbed Cherie LOL I'll post the pic up its piss funny cuz Cherie is like "uhh oh my god GROSS! Why is she touching me!" all she wanted was to ask if Brent was there. So..Cherie said, "IS Brent on tour with ya's? and I SWEAR...she BURPED OUT THE ANSWER. Her eyes started twitching, and she burped, "BEEEEENNNNT!?!?" and Cherie said, "Yeah, Brent" and then Manduh said, "No...He's not." and Cherie said, "Oh, that's too bad, Brent's cool." and Manduh said, "Brent's..........a....character.." and Cherie said, "oh." A little while later we went and got some sodas and I turned and I turned and saw Cherie talking to a lady, so I went over there and said, "Excuse me, Ma'am, who are you?" and she said, "Her mom.." (referring to Manduh) and Then Cherie said, "Ya know Brent?" and Manduh's mom got this...disgusted look on her face and said, "Yeah...uh..I know.....Brent....quite well ACTUALLY." And Cherie said, "I was wondering if you could give these pics to Manduh to give to brent or something.." and Cherie gave the pics to the mom, and we started to walk away and we turned around and saw her mom give her the pics..and Manduh looked at the pics and gave the DIRTIEST most DISGUSTED LOOK I have EVER seen. Her eyes started twitching again. So we walked away and Later, after the concert, we left 1/2 way through IWITW so we could get to the car quicker....well, we ran into her AGAIN! And Cherie said, "Hey Manduh, what's the deal with Brent? Why do you say he is a character.." and Manduh twitched again, and she said, "Well...uhm...she had this "oh-shit I'm cornered look" on her face and she continued, "well, Brent...ah...Brent's....He's more...He's more of a hassle than help..." Cherie was like, "Well, I'd appreciate if you gave him the pics! Have him call me! If he don't ya better slap him. JUST KIDDIN. When I heard her say that, I almost PISSED MY PANTS LAUGHING But then Manduh said with this edgy tone, "Oh I will!" I was like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. oh crap. Then we RAN!!!! I couldn't believe she said that. I swear I lost it! I swear I lost it! Oh god! I am STILL laughing!!!! That was my "Manduh" encounters. Interesting, eh? Well...Lemme know whatcha thought!

Some brief onstage encounters!

On October 30th, 1997 I was at the chicago B-96 Halloween Bash (Featuring BSB, Hanson, En Vouge, Aaliah, InoJ, and Le Click). BSB had NO fans there, I swear! I was like the only person singing along..anyways...I made my way up by the stage and Nick was RIGHT in front of me and he stopped, opened his mouth with a surprised look on his face and his mouth open! ehhe. I made eye contact..

Next was August 2nd, 1998. Marcus Ampitheatre. Wisconsin. Cherie and I recorded ourselves on a tape, and gave it to a security guard who gave it to A blonde lady (the hairstylist..Angie). And then, 2 days later after the show I got a phone call from Jason Lakesford saying, "Nick watched your video and he loves fans like you...Thanks for keeping it real..." etc...I've got the msg on my machine still recorded! I'd put a wav on here but I dunno the HTML! If anyone knows I'd be happy to put it up..

Also at that concert we were pretty close to the stage, and since the boys weren't THAT popular still it was nowhere near sold-out. I stood up on my chair and waved and did the lil backstreet's back dance..and waved to the Boys, and kev and Nick waved back! I started crying LOL (YES, I do know I am a LOSER. That was my teeny-bopper stage.

October 5th My mom catches Bri's teddy bear he my page...

October 6th I meet the BOYS THEMSELVES! (Read My page..)

March 7th - I was like 8th row (or less) and I KNEW BSB would be flying (everyone knows that..) and Nick was RIGHT above me...and I had this big fat target sign (actually it said "ARGET" cuz the "T" ripped off...) and so I'm waving my sign, everyone around me is laughing their assess off...and when the boys are done flying I KNOW nick has seen he gets on buckled..turns to me, points and waves! (Cuz im still holding the Target...'scuse me..."ARGET" sign up LOL. THEN during Back 2 Your Heart...everyone is swaying from side to side and all is quite...Brian picks up a towel, I wave to him..and He waves back...i was thinking , "Did he really wave to ME!?" and then I was reassured he did when Cherie turns to me RIGHT away and says, "I HATE YOU YA BITCH!" LOL So..that is it!!!!

I am the person to hang with..I meet everyone! LOL j/k. Seems like it though, huh! Sometimes I wonder how I do it, but then again...I think of all the experience and knowledge Cherie and I have learned and it's no wonder! We are the master concert-goers. =) LOL JK

Love and Peace! - Lisa (something don't work...sign the guestbook or email me! Sign guestbook with comments!)

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Pics, Guestbook, and more!

Sign My Guestbook, give me feedback!
Show me the meaning of being lonely...LOOK at the guestbook!
My main page, how I met BSB, GREAT PICS!
Wanna see The Bands Official page? You can see PROOF they're the real guys!
Pic of Me and Louie Vigilante...Bass Guitarist
Pic of Louie By Himself (go ahead, compare it to Tommy's page!)
Remeber I was talkin' About BSB in '97 in Chi Town? B96? Here is an OLD pic of Aj!
This is a pic I found on the internet of the B-Bash! (See Previous pic of Aj!)
A pic of RoRo and I (former millennium bsb dancer)
Amanduh Willaford signing autographs
Willa and Cherie
Guy and Me
Cherie and RoRo