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In August of 1999, Jess Kuchinski was named Poet Laureate of LOOP.  Here is her first piece for the team:

Ode to a Grecian Disc, or
What to Do with Your Poetry Degree, Post-academia!

Sonnet I.

For love of other people, I compose:
An altruistic ode, or so it seems.
A sonnet for this wicked bunch, for those
Whose spirit envelopes her other teams.
We strive to reinvent the game, from point
To point--with meaning laying out before
That un-named acronym, in secret, coined
To tell us all, our game is not the score.
Dear team, however new to me you are,
My thanks and spirit-rhyme is on your way.
Sprint long, lean low, and huc it far.
But most of all, enjoy your style of play.

And if, at Sectionals, you miss me much,
Forget not Ted's address...(I'll be in touch).


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