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Statement of Needs

     The Renaissance is a time of great cultural and ideological exchange.  It is European civilizations battling and coexisting to claim their stake on modern life.  There is a treasure trove of rich artistic accomplishment and technological innovation that changed societies forever.  This is an exciting period not unlike the time we live today.
     To inspire students in their creative pursuit of learning, the Renaissance Period of history, literature and art accomplishes the task like no other.  In the efflorescence of the time period between 1300 to 1600, a variety of significant technological, artistic, political and attitudinal changes occurred that still
reverberate in our modern times.  Communicating the ideas behind such a vast period is certainly
daunting and this project is not meant to be a comprehensive study of the period.  Rather, the Renaissance period will be used as a backdrop for communicating, executing and learning the various standards for English Language Arts, Social Sciences and Fine Arts.
     In addition to accomplishing the various Illinois learning standards, a majority of the lessons in this curriculum project will involve the use of computer technology such as database, word processing, and internet searches and downloads to acquire and research the necessary information regarding the Renaissance period.
     In our eternal holy grail to find the most exciting and creative ways of communicating ideas and concepts for students in the later high school levels, the Renaissance time period offers a giant warehouse of ideas.

                   The eye, in which the beauty of the world is reflected, is of such excellence that whoever consents to its
                   loss deprives himself of the representation of all the works of nature.  Because of the sight of these, the
                   soul is content to stay in the prison of the body, for through the eyes nature in all its variety manifests itself
                   to the soul....
                                                                                                                                               Leonardo Da Vinci