Mark Worshipers - bios of those in the club


*Name: Heidi
*Birthday: 02/25/83
*Location: Chicago, IL, USA
*Favourite Mark Character on KITH(male): hmmm...gotta go with Mr.Tiscic
*Favourite Mark Character on KITH(female): Nina *heh* cause she reminds me of my mum and she's always trying to make everything go smoothly
*Favourite Mark Skit: This is the hardest for me..because there are simply so many great ones! I'll limit myself to um..5. I love the Headcrusher & Misha("there's nobody home") sketch (my brother and I are constantly doing that one..). "AT&Love: Tanya's Last Day" is great! The one where Tucker tries to steal the car is another favourite. Does the "Journey Called Bernie" skit count? Cause that's very very high on my all-time favourite sketches list (not that I have one), or how about Hotel La Rut? ah, well that's five then!
*Non-KITH interests: Music, acting, writing songs/stories/sketch comedy, going to concerts, going online, animal rights, comic books, anime, singing, playing my guitar.. dreaming..stuff like that.
*Homepage: My personal site

*Name: V. Emerson or just V
*Birthday: 22ap81
*Location: Providence
*Favourite Mark KITH character(male): Durrill, Don (BC), Mississippi Gary
*Favourite Mark KITH character(female): Chicken Lady, Fran's friend, the one with the pink hair, whatever her name is :)
*Favourite Mark skit: the Headcrusher in his apartment with his neighbour Mischa. they have such fun. I've been saying, "I don' have ee-nough money to pay for dis cab!" and "Dere is no-body home!" constantly lately.
*Non-KITH interests: comedy in general; filmmaking; writing; lots of forms of art, culture, social sciences; getting out of my head; getting out of my city; cats.
*Homepage: Lights Out

*Name: sylvia masuda
*Birthday: 9/25/86
*Location: los angeles, ca
*Favourite Mark KITH character(male): the headcrusher (mr. tyzik)
*Favourite Mark KITH character(female): christine (you know, "raj, we need to get an exorcist in here and this time i mean it"..)
*Favourite Mark skit: ...hmm...i'm guessing this means sketches that mark had a big role in, or that he wrote...?.."bye stan" was pretty good....does "at&love:tanya's last day" really count ("awwww, it's a bye cookie!!")? about monologues, i liked the nudity one for obvious reasons ..and if you went to the tour, does the suburb song he did with kevin count too? you know, the power of the suburbs!
*Non-KITH interests: broadway musicals (RENT, fosse, chicago), writing, thinking, they might be giants, the beatles, monty python
*Homepage: here

*Name: Stacy Powell
*Birthday: 09/24/71
*Location: Hinesburg, VT
*Favourite Mark KITH character(male): Tucker
*Favourite Mark KITH character(female): Tanya
*Favourite Mark skit: Tucker vs. the mouse
*Non-KITH interests: Non-KITH interest? What's that?

*Name: Elizabeth Ann Strong
*Birthday: April 7, 1981
*Location: Austin, Texas, USA
*Favourite Mark KITH character(male): Darrill
*Favourite Mark KITH character(female): Melanie
*Favourite Mark skit: Tucker killing the mouse
*Non-KITH interests: ABBA, U2, Genesis, Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel, Monty Python, and Norm MacDonald

*Name: Sioux Reel
*Birthday: Capricorn rising in 1972
*Location:...on an earthly dimension near "Bill & Hillary...and sometimes, Monica"
*Favorite Mark (female) characters: Christine (of Raj & Christine), The Chicken Lady, Nina, Melanie, Tanya the Temp, Monique the Pyromaniac
* Favorite Mark (male) characters: "The Head Crusher", Darill, Prince Edward, and the gay guy who likes to invite male strangers to a Leafs game
* Favorite Mark skits: All the "Raj & Christine" skits because everything about them (their clothes, hair, mannerisms, and dilemmas) remind me sooooo much of my sister and me. It's so friggin' eery!!!
* Non-KITH Interests: Drawing, painting, computer animation, Surrealism, films, comedy, dark humor, punk & alternative music, Howard Stern, Gothic styles, ABBA, spirituality, health, astrology, medical sciences and Eastern mysticism
* No Homepage at the moment, but my e-mail address is:

*Name:Kristen Love
*Location:South Texas
*Favourite Mark KITH character(male):Headcrusher
*Favourite Mark KITH character(female):Sherice (White trash lady)
*Favourite Mark skit:Secret of Nudity
*Non-KITH interests:Marching Band, poetry, flute, listening to music, watching/performing most types of comedy

*Name: Olivia Shank (aka: Liv, Ollie, Olive, Shankster, Shankinator, or colecadet)
*Location:Upstate New York
*Favourite Mark KITH character(male): Cop, headcrusher, Mississippi Gary
*Favourite Mark KITH character(female): Chicken Lady, Chrisine, Tanya
*Favourite Mark skit:"Smokin' on a night-train, chewin' on a jelly roll"
*Non-KITH interests: acting, ballet, trumpet, oldie's music

*Name: Kelly Dobitz
*Birthday: January 18th
Location: Sacramento, California
*Favorite Mark KITH character male: Oh this is tuff, I love Daril (not sure of the spelling) and his gay vampire is hilarious. Though I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't mention the headcruncher.
*Favorite Mark KITH character female: Tanya, (Temp, slut, Temp slut!) Nina, Chicken Lady, and of course the adorable Melanie. Oh, Oh, and Christine!
*Favorite Mark skit: Truly a tuff question! I don't know, the skit thats coming to mind right now is the one where Tanya goes to a party, completely annoys everyone there, and ends up having her bike stolen. The other skit that I love is where Christine moves in with Raj (not sure of the spelling) and starts drivinghim crazy!
*Non KITH interests: What does that mean? My life evolves around these guys! j/k I find that when I can manage to make my friends question my sanity that I've had a truly fulfilling day. I also like to draw, write, and take long walks at the beach. By the way I'm a Capricorn which means I'm hard working and have a good sence of humor. I'm looking for a friend, maybe more who likes to cook and who I can share interesting conversation with. Please contact me if interested. Thank you and Goodnight.

*Name: Finkor (Kat)
*Birthday: October 21st (under the sign of Halloween)
*Location: Seattle area (right now Issaquah)
*Favourite Mark KITH Character(female): Chicken Lady
*Favourite Mark KITH Character (male): Headcrusher, Blues Guy, Death in show
*Favourite Mark skit: When Chicken Lady goes back to visither childhood home.
Non-Kith interests: Writing in my journal, thinking up jokes, taking pictures, vegan cooking, being lazy, being haunted in my dreams by Christopher Walken as Pumpkinhead, Stephen King, Clive Barker, Pulp, Suede, Orbital, Elliot Smith, punk, The Evil Supervillains Committee for Irresponsible Mischief.

*Name: Katya aka GeminiSaturn
*Birthday: Dec 21 1981
*Location: Saturn
*Favourite Mark KITH character(male): Mr Tyzic
*Favourite Mark KITH character(female): Sharisse
*Favourite Mark skit: Tucker: Mouse
*Non-KITH interests: Scifi, horseback riding, animé, art, oldies/disco/motown music

*Birthday:January 8th
*Location:Canada *Favourite Mark KITH character(male):Darrill *Favourite Mark KITH character(female):Chickenlady
*Favourite Mark skit:Too many too count!
*Non-KITH interests:Making beaded necklaces

*Name: free ranger a k a Mika
*Birthday: 30 Dec 1984 (Capricorn -- the goat-fish)
*Location: formerly of Taipei, HK, Ottawa... presently, America: a place for Americans.
*Favourite Mark KITH Character (male): rrgh ... how can you make me choose ONE?! They're all good. Umm, I'll just say Leslie, the Vampire Fag. "Drop your clubs. Let them rain down! Let the weapons ofoppression rain down!"
*Favourite Mark KITH Character (female): Again, there is no way I can choose one, but one I really like is Nina Bedford/Spudneeyak from Joymakers. SURPRISE!!!
*Favourite Mark KITH Skit: The secret of nudity featured a LOT of Mark, now didn't it? OH LA LA
*Non-KITH interests: writing, some languages, some sports, other funny TV shows (The Critic, anyone?), music music music (playing & listening), art art art,repeating words words words

*Name: Melissa S.
*Birthday: July 9, 1979
*Location: Illinois (near St. louis)
*Favourite Mark KITH Character (male):Darill
*Favourite Mark KITH Character (female):WhiteTrash woman
*Favourite Mark KITH Skit: Scerw you tax payer
*Non-KITH interests: Music

*Name: Tonya Brown
*Birthday: July 2, 1977
*Location: West Virginia
*Favourite Mark KITH character(male): The Headcrusher and Leslie the Vampire Fag(tie!)
*Favourite Mark KITH character(female): The Chicken Lady
*Favorite Mark KITH skit: The Headcrusher gets his fingers broken and has to go through rehabilitation in order to be able to crush heads again.
*Non-KITH intrests: Professional wrestling (strictly WWF!), and music

*Name: Laura Montgomery
*Birthday: Nov 4, 1971
*Location: Toronto, CANADA
*Favourite Mark KITH Character (male): Headcrusher
*Favourite Mark KITH Character (female): Monique
*Favourite Mark KITH Skit: The Leslie the Fag sketches
*Non-KITH interests: Favourite singer is Julian Lennon, music(mostly 60's and 70's) Bee Gees, reading
*Homepage: Shared with my best friend, who is the web designer, I contributed Kevin's corner(the info and pics) here

*Name: Quinn
*Birthday: Dec. 26, 1982
*Location: Houston, Texas. Scott loves us.
*Favourite Mark Character on KITH(male): Darrill, Mississippi Gary, Atilla
*Favourite Mark Character on KITH(female): Melanie--because let's face it, I'm *this* close, Monique (there are several--the pyromaniac, Hotel la Rut, Sex Girl Patrol...)
*Favourite Mark Skit: Secret of nudity, the guy who has great sex (listening to his answering machine), the wood nymph, Tucker and the mouse, Sex Girl Patrol...ok, fine, any sketch that involves Mark being pretty damn close to naked. Go figure. I also like whenever he's Bruce's "random volunteer."
*Non-KITH interests: Hmmm? Oh, right. Um...U2, Conan O'Brien, animal rights, Wicca, reading, writing, sarcasm (I guess maybe that *is* KITH related...), Celticism, sports, photography, band
*Homepage: Quinn's Corner
