He's crushing our heads

Welcome to the Mark McKinney Madness site. The purpose of this site is to provide fans of former SNL castmember and part of the Kids in the Hall comedy troupe - Mark McKinney - a place to meet other fans and find out lots of info on the wonderfully talented actor/comedian.

(the bio) - so you'd like to know the personal stuff eh?
(the interviews) - read about what Mark and/or the rest of the kids have had to say to interviewers throughout the years.
(the quotes) - mark said this.
(the images) - look at mark
(the club) - join our club!
(the profiles) - who likes mark? we do!
(the fanfics) -COMING SOON stories about the KITH written by the fans.
(the tales) - fan experiences of meeting mark in person
(the links) - webpages about the kids, about mark and so forth.
(the rings) - webrings this site is part of
(the thanks) - people who this page couldn't have been done without

Last poll results
"Which Mr. Tiscic Sketch is the best?"
The One Where His Fingers Get Broken - 48%
Headcrusher VS. the Facepincher - 23%
Nobody's Home - 22%
Overlooking the Night Club - 3%
Mr. Tiscic on Wallstreet - 1%

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All KITH seasons are now available on DVD and can be purchased at A&E. Follow the links below to get to their store!

I do not know Mark McKinney personally nor is this an official site. I'm just a devoted fan and if you want to know more about me then check out my homepage at here