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Since birth Megan has been entertaining people, whether it was her giggling and playfulness as a baby, or performing on stage in front of audiences. Some say right from birth that she was a natural born actress. Megan was born on November 26th 1986 in Chicago Illinois.  
     Around the age or 7 Megan auditioned for a Coke a Cola commercial. Megan unfortunately didn't get chosen for the commercial, but wasn't disappointed either. Afterall the commercial only aired once.  
     In 1996 at the age of 9 Megan performed in her first play entitled "Trouble Brewing at Sumerville Academy" Megan and her drama group wrote the play about an all girl boarding school.  
    "I played a French foreign exchange student in the play. Although my part in the play wasn't big it was still fun to perform and learning my "French" lines wasn't all that easy either." States Megan as she recalls her first play.  
    A couple years later prior to her performing in Trouble Brewing at Sumerville Academy, her drama teacher Melissa Pilgrim moved to Los Angeles to start writing for a sitcom.  After Melissa left a new instructor replaced her.  
    Diane, conducted Megan's drama class until the late fall of ‘99’, Megan and her theater group continued to write some other plays in which they performed. They also put on a production of "Bye Bye Birdie", based on the movie version with Ann Margaret.  
    "Bye Bye Birdie, must have been the most enjoyable play that I have performed in so far!! I loved having a big role as Mrs. McAfee." (Kim's mother) says Megan.  

    After Diane left a new drama instructor was needed.  Erin Higgins became the new theater instructor in the winter of ‘99’.  
    Megan has only performed in one of Erin's plays entitled "A Walk Through The Park" in which was a showcase of plays such as, Tom Soyer, Romeo and Juliet, Alice In Wonderland and the Bald Soprano which Megan performed in.  
    Megan is currently taking a break from acting for the summer but hopes to continue it back in the fall.  Since 1996, Megan has been in about 9 to 10 plays!!  
    Despite Megan's acting ability she enjoys singing and making up dance moves to some of her favorite songs. Megan also enjoys writing poetry and anything else that comes to her mind, reading, hanging out on the web, making web sites, (this site was made by Megan herself) riding her bike, swimming, roller balding and much more!  
    Before Megan began acting in 1996, she played both soccer and baseball starting in 1994. Megan was known as the best goalie on her soccer team. As for baseball she enjoyed being out in right field. Megan continued playing baseball till 1997. She went on to play soccer till 1999. In 1997 Megan brought her team to a 2nd place victory after competing in a tournament.  
    "People were amazed on the sidelines as they watched and wondered if I would catch the ball in my hands or if it would fly past me The energy level on the sidelines would skyrocket as I would make a superior saves. I think I made some opposing teams pretty mad when I caught what should of been goals." Jokes Megan.  

    In 1999 Megan quit playing soccer due to knee injuries that occurred from her 6 years of playing soccer. During the 1999 soccer season, Megan was placed up as a forward on May 8th. On this day, Megan scored her first goal!! She wasn’t put up as a "forward" that much so it was quite remarkable when she scored the goal.  
    "After I saw that ball go into the goal net it was the start of a very emotional time. As I ran back to the center field line teammates and I were jumping up and down screaming and carrying on about my "wonderful" kick. I was so happy that I scored the goal and was in tears of happiness. On the sidelines my parents were besides themselves. My mother was in tears as well as me. After the game, it was more celebration as my coach and my teammates parents congratulated me. My mother congratulating me, said that seeing me score that goal was the best Mothers Day present she could ever receive from me. (the game was the Saturday before mother’s day in which mother’s day was May 9th.) That surely was a day for me to remember." Explains Megan.  

    Megan misses playing soccer very much but says that she will make a come back.  

    Megan relies on the support she receives from her friends as well as the confidence and determination that she finds within herself to follow her dreams and goals. Megan hopes to one day be an actress on a TV show, in movies or on Broadway. She also wouldn't mind becoming a singer or back-up singer for a music group as well.