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Micky Dolenz!

Micky Dolenz is my third favorite Monkee. He was my very favorite when I first discovered the Monkees when I was about six years old. Micky was the funny Monkee, the one with all the great laugh lines and distinguishing hair-do.

Since I've been a fan, I've met Micky once, and although it wasn't one of my most articulate moments, it was okay. Honestly, I didn't find him as funny in person, but he still seemed like a decent guy!

Full Name:George Michael Dolenz
Also Known As: Babyface. Fuzzy.
Parents:George and Janelle Dolenz. (Father George was a famous actor in the fifties. He stared in the televison series, "The Counte of Monte Cristo". His mother also had a brief time of movie stardom as well.)
Birthdate:March 8th, 1945 (He's 59!)
Childhood Star:Yes, Micky stared in the successful fifties sitcom, "Circus Boy".
Marital Status:Married (On third marriage)
Children:Four daughters. Ami (an actress who has been seen in movies like "She's Out of Control" and soap operas), Charlotte, Emily, and Georgia.
Before the Monkees:Ex-child star, college student, and singer.
After the Monkees:Actor, singer, and successful director, and most recently, broadway star!
Micky's Favorite Monkee:Mike

Micky's Dressing Room on the Monkees set
According to Micky in his book, I'm a Believer.(Copywright 1993)
Extra thick shag carpet covered the floor and walls. Piles of paisley pillows--and a candle. (I guess that shows you where I was at.)
Micky recalls his audition for the Monkees
Micky goes through to an inner office and is immediately struck by the unconventional ambience. First of all the place is a mess. There are magazines scattered everywhere, a half eaten pizza lies on the floor, and stacks of used coffee cups are piled up on the desk. "This kinda looks like my apartment," thinks Micky to himself. He also notices a strange smell, kinda like burining weeds...
Micky expects to see an older man in a gray suit sitting behind a desk. Instead, he sees two guys lounging on the couch. They're in their thirites, wearing jeans and T-shirts, and their hair is longer than his! Micky is slightly taken aback but recovers quickly. Some little voice inside him says, "This is different. This is cool. Go for it!"
It's been a couple of seconds since he entered the room and not a word has been spoken. They're checking him out. Micky walks right up to the desk, takes a coffee cup from one of the stacks and deftly places it on the desk.

Micky and his first wife, Samantha. I love her hair! She's my hair idol. :-)
Micky's book, I'm a Believer. My Life of Monkees, Music, and Madness is a great referance if you want to know more about Micky. Not only is the book informative, but it is really funny. I still think Micky would be great on "Who's Line Is It Anyway."

Oh! And for all the Dolenz info you can handle, visit...

My Favorite Micky Sung Songs:

Dolenzkateer Links!

Micky's Homepage

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