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Destroy the Night

A silky blue dress within a sinking sun.
Purple, Scarlet, Orange, and Blue
The colors of the sky, mocking the colors of you.
Your horizon supports golden brown hair.
as it's draped along your lay.
comfortably lying...
Azure eye's with a hint of gleam
reflecting all that you see
all that you withold
My fragile love..
please, take me there, take me in arms
the day is growing old, and the winds
are bringing the night.
Like a giant black cloak...
the night wrapped itself in the day's struggling light.
Only the stars shun through, keeping their eyes on you.
Milky white face from a pale rising moon.
Red, Grey, White, and Blue
The colors of night, and your devils' womb.
Rocky terrain, with fiery red hair
Spilling down the summit, down to the village
rising quite a scare,
as you are standing there...comfortably
Lifeless eyes, a mask with no expression...
Reflecting all that you fear, all that you despise
My fair weather friend..
You're patience is at an end, and I want to leave.
Stop the insanity, bring in the day- bring on the radiance and keep in the hate.
I'm here now, ever so near
whispering softly in your perfect little ear
(.......... wake up
wake up, and walk away.)
You're twisted features turn stupor as my faded footsteps grin.

-J. M. Simpson

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