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The Death of Me

Here I lie all covered in blood
I've fled the night
I've hoisted the light
and asked to be forgiven

My prayers still float
amongst the breeze
searching for an angel
through skies and trees

Here I lie all mangled and blue
I hope I'm not in your way.
Just watch out I may still be there
deep inside running in my squirrel cage
screaming for mercy..
Have mercy on me my fair weather friends
Have mercy

Have remorse, have understanding
Have whatever, just have it without me
It's the way it's always been and I guess
I didn't win.
But what the hell, I've fled the day
In search for that last hope of another way
I've hoisted a light
and asked to be forgiven.
But alas my prayer has gone unanswered

-J. M. Simpson

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