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Death by Flame

This town was engulfed in flames tonight
It was ablaze, and the demons of the heat
partied throughout the smoke and screams

I hid, I hid beneath an old turned over van
hugging my knees with nails dug into my flesh so
deep blood seeped from my iron grip... but I only felt fear..

I anticipated this, I actually anticipated this
and now they're out there, looming and dancing
laughing and spreading... like one giant disease unleashed upon the world

No vaccine, no cure..
just a horde of flames devouring all in it's path
carving it's name in the streets of hell
melting stone and tears and joy
melting my heart, just melting...

Running now, I run so hard... running into nothing
running away from everything only to meet it again
I can't get away from the licking flames
they slap at my hide like a pestering insect

My foot meets a branch, reaching out for me
My face meets pavement who's pittying me
and the flame meets my skin, like a crow meets a kill
bringing the stench, and stripping my hide
carving out it's name throughout my charred and rugged lay.

This town was engulfed by flames tonight
and all that resided in it.

-J. M. Simpson

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