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The sun grovels in the presense of her stride
and the flowers gather in formation to balance her dance

I can sheild my eyes no longer
I must answer the call of my heart, for it's torn through the prison of my ribs
the tin foil prison which was once like steel
has shattered in dust as my fluttering grew unsteady
and she drew near

Gleaming azure eyes witholding the secrets of love
accompanied by her scarlet attire
set me aflame as I held onto my nimble vine
in a desperate attempt to remain put

Golden sun skinned hands reached out for me
and I felt the warmth from within' ascending into me
erupting heartfelt love and a boyish smile
Bedazzled, to say the least
I was engulfed in the sunrise, her lips like the clouds
and her embrace like the tide

Bringing me home to a comfort in arms
Bringing me back to loves gentle charms

-J. M. Simpson

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