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Love's Gutter

Emitting from warm moist earth.
Grabbing onto the sun's curtain.
Reaching for stars, moons, and dreams
a babe weeps &
the clouds loom
the horizon lies in wait
and she's guiding them all..

Dancing willows part for hopping life
struggling through the muck
and dropping into the belly of muddy rivers

Whisking away through the winds gusty breath
firey bulbs light up the night
mocking dusks traffic from a birds eye view
and a rippled splash of death

Skipping stones and stepping rocks
lay scattered amongst our path
covered in green mud and red waters
rushing towards the rusty drain of this battered terrain
descending from loves gutter.

All forced towards the center to become forgotten
fragments of muck, once held to be cherished dearly
Once held as fragile flowers
only to be discarded and forever forgotten

-J. M. Simpson

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