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Moon Dance

The Night I danced with the Moon

I danced with the Moon just the other night.
She led me around her bedroom of stars..
and I gazed into her mirror, which was known as the sun
and her movements were graceful, she stepped light as a thief
The city lights did loom, and mock our grace
The falling stars thundered from afar, I led you around and about in tantalyzing dance.
and I looked into your haven, your milky mass of lights.
Pulling out star-dust, sprinkling down your silvery strands of hair
and becoming swept up in the cold cosmos of reality.
The Moon and I danced just the other night
Two lovers sailed the galaxy in search of light
Collapsed stars died in rebirth
forced from the womb of fate.
In the dance of the evening & the wake of her tide.
when the lovers did sleep, when the moon did cry.

-J. M. Simpson

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