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Natures Necropolis

The night is young and alive with diabolical spirits.
Earth falling before me as tender roots reach out.
The moon is hung like some cheap ornament, glittering and glowing a pathetic shine
crooning out to us something we are trying to obscure.
Beasts run aimlessly, trampling shattered earth to more fragments of muck and dismay.

It has turned to showering blackened drops pelting me and my surroundings.
The empty space before me is growing steady in its radius, beckoning to me
sucking, pulling, begging....

"dammit, I can't even move"
but my body doesn't fall, I'm swooped down upon by a great king bird in his glory of the firmament.
He toys with my immobile petty stance
then bawks something strange.
Lightning around us, our world was lured into a trap.

Who would've thought Mother Nature to be so naive?
Not her as she spews forth every last bit of natural disaster in defiance of what now overwhelms her.
and her attempts are futile.
All will be dark soon and nothing will remain..
nothing but empty laughter
laughter and the memory of her ancient beauty.

-J. M. Simpson

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