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Untitled #1

Outside as well as in
It plagues me to no end
Choices I've made and choices I've kept
are tearing at me now
and probably will be for awhile

Trying to quench the thirst
by raging spirits
I keep chasing toward the light
the faster I run, the further it gets
and I'm getting tired.

Bright red bugs torment my lower abdomen
growing larger and larger
Their friends rash around my neck
making the air around me hard to breathe

But I still trudge on
Always wearily, white towel in hand
my heart held low, my eyes depriving emotion
I trudge on towards the light that never nears

occasionally I'm stopped by the man
thought to be the theif, thought to be the user
condemned as the abuser
he knows me from Adam to Eve

It continues to no end
this uphill trudge, this never ending battle
The general inside me dropped his flag some time ago
yet continues to trudge

-J. M. Simpson

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