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Upcoming Torment

Beyond the grass, and rolling hills
through vast forests and deep green seas
It waits patiently
It waits for me

It's been waiting now, for quite some time
It's known all these years
It's perception; Divine.

I've watched it before, but not with much heed
not knowing that It's hunger was lusting for me
I've watched it to this day through fiction and fun.
The great things that seemed miles from me

Now it's here, roaring it's ugly head
A gaping mouth, and a gullet to hell
A stomach like a pit of eternal agony
and acid burning through my steel

It's good that I can sink
and hold my breath, my lungs now vast
my hide well kept

"But how long?", I ask
How long will it last?
My breath lies in wait
my pride has sunk along with my hide.

I float, suspended in the grim reality of my surroundings
and realize that a terrible nightmare has come true.

-J. M. Simpson

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