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Mist in the Wind

The Radiant tumid star croons to me from beyond.
That radiant star. So beautiful, so alluring in this vacant night of cold shadows and blue moons'
She stands out from the clouds' desperate shroud and extends a fragile hand of hope.
I never can reach her though, the barrier of her ways keeps me at bay.

Well I broke through the barrier one day. The glass of that stubborn wall came crashing down on me...
I never did pass the border and when I regained conciousness I noticed a new wall had been concieved between my star and me
A wall more durable and sturdy than the last one.
But I never gave up hope. I threw fits, retrieved them and threw them again
but my star only faded further from me and yet began to appear less radiant.

Every day I woke I would travel as far as I could- sometimes pressing my nose up against that wall between us, just trying to capture the fragrance of her..

....anything to feel the radiance of her.

Then it happened
I didn't sleep well that night, waking more then once in a pool of my own perspiration from nightmares of cold shadows
mocking souls and a distant image of her being taken away on the back of the shadow horse who robs me of my dreams

a blue lady was seen trapped behind an iron curtain and the shadow was riding with unholy wind...

I woke up then, hyperventilating from the shock of my misfortune and a cold feeling swept over my body...
something was wrong
sure enough when my eyes looked up to that illuminated star it was gone..
Replaced by thick condensed mist
a blue tear wriggled it's way free from my lashes as I made out her face..
so beautiful in that mist i'll never forget it....reflecting off my teardrop as it fell to the ground becoming nothing more then mist in the wind

-J. M. Simpson

click HERE for MORBID poems and HERE for LOVE poems.
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