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Maximizing Assets to Make Connections



General Expectations:


1. Each student will work with two other students at individual computers.


2. Each student will keep an individual electronic journal.


3. Each day a different student will keep an electronic journal for the group in PowerPoint. This journal will be shared with the class at the close of the unit.


4. Each student will use each website as directed. Group decisions will be described in the group document; individual decisions will be described in individuals’ logs.


5. Group work is due at the conclusion of the week.


6. Individual work is due at the end of each period.




Days 1 and 2 objectives: Coming to self-awareness


1. TLW will self-assess to raise self-awareness.


2. TLW describe him/herself in terms used in contemporary psychology and will illustrate understanding by using details from his/her own life.


3. TLW attempt to resolve a conflict and will keep a journal of his/her activities during this experience.


4. TLW keep a log of activities and reflections.



Directions for Days 1 and 2

1. Begin a word processing document that will be a cumulative journal/log of individual work.


2. Write for 10 minutes on this topic: describe yourself being sure to mention your strengths and situations where you have used those strengths.


3. Go to this site: and follow the instructions.


4. In your personal journal, note what you found from the website and take 5 minutes to react to what you learned about yourself. Write down guesses as to what your fellow group members would choose.


5. After everyone in your group has completed this step, then share your findings with one another. Would you have said this about yourself? Were you "right" about each other? Look at the different choices on the website and discuss what you learned about yourselves. 


6. Practice with the terms on the Zang website by telling your group members situations from your life which illustrate those traits. If you do not agree with what you learned, then supply examples that would disprove what you learned.


7. Give your group a name that reflects your personalities. Put that name in the title of your PowerPoint journal. Make a slide for each group member and describe him/her using the terms you just learned.


8. End class on day 1 by working through a likely conflict situation with your group members: 

· There are 3 grades to be given for today’s work: A, B, and C. Determine who gets which grade and why.

·  In your individual journals, record the things you did or said.

· Be sure to note whether you behaved according to your type; be ready to share this with the group at the start of the 2nd day. You have just solved a conflict!


9. Begin Day #2 by sharing with your group members what you wrote at the end of the session. Explain what were the hardest and the easiest decisions that your group had to make. Write that into your PowerPoint presentation.


10. After you have completed step #9, go to the site below and take this questionnaire individually. Print the questionnaire. 


11. Refer to your journal of yesterday and make notes on the printed questionnaire to indicate where you behaved in the manner described. Follow the links at the bottom of the web page to learn from this survey.


12. Reflect in your individual journals on what you learned about yourself. Discuss in full your strengths; talk about what made you a good group member. In addition, name one area where you think you would like to improve your skills of dealing with conflict.


13. To culminate the 2nd day’s learning, add 2 slides to your PowerPoint with a maximum of 10 words per slide to summarize the key points learned in these 2 days.



Days 3 through 5: collaboration and research


The Objectives of Days 3-5

1. To improve listening skills

2. To use “I” messages

3. To understand personal strengths

4. To evaluate new information

5. To synthesize information

6. To apply new information to the team process


The Evaluation will be based upon:


I. A written journal in which you chronicle these things:

Your application of new strategies learned as you proceeded through the task

An evaluation of your team’s results

An evaluation of yourself as a team member--this evaluation must include terminolgy you have learned in this webquest.

II. The PowerPoint presentation which meets the standards explained above


WebQuest on Group Problem Solving


The situation: 

The local high school is trying to gather information to better understand a current phenomenon: an increasing number of students who feel and act hostile to others. 


The school’s response: 

They have turned to professionals for assistance and are hoping to get practical suggestions they can implement immediately. You psychology interns are the committee hired to advise the school on the increasing challenge of students who seem to be alienated from the rest of the student body. Because of your training in understanding different personality types and conflict resolution, your charge is to suggest several ways to the teachers to better connect with these students.


The specifics of your job:

The faculty will be having its usual 2nd quarter in-service the week after Thanksgiving. At that in-service, they expect your group to inform them of new strategies and suggest an action plan that they might follow. In order to model real life applications of technology, the administration requests that you present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation. They further expect that the individual notes and reflections you have compiled will be submitted at the same time as you make your presentation.


