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Detailed Results for Suicidal Sundays 3/12/00

Before any wrestling gets started, the commish Professor Palpitator decides to tape some pre-card interviews with everybody out of charcter. They are all very funny.

The show starts off with the MWHB music playing, but all is interupted when the Dark Carnival's music hits and they make thier way to the ring area.

Professor Palpitator and Elephant Man talk on the mic for awhile about Winter Warfare and how it was the Dark Carnival's day of glory.

Then they are about to introduce the newest member of the Dark Carnival when the IOV's music starts to blare in the background.

Of course everybody trash talks each other and that is how the main event got made when Professor Palpitator said he would wrestle Fiend in a rematch from Winter Warfare for the World title. The stipulation of this match would be a you lose you job match. Then all hell broke loose when the IOV and Dark Carnival got into a big brawl.

Match 1 for Tag Titles: THuGs vs. IOV

Big Got opens up the match with a ddt on Sonny then hits a couple of lethal chair shots, then followed up nicely by Hardass who connected with a spear. The IOV dominated early in this match-up.

Then the tides turn as the Thugs fight back with some offense from LSD who nails Sonny with a ddt and a Pump kick off the ladder onto Hardass.

But, once again the IOV takes control. Hardass Lobb hits some nice offensive moves the rocker dropped and a couple of cane shots. Sonny does some offense of his own hitting an even-flow ddt on LSD.

The Thugs did not give up though as Big Got give Sonny a nice backdrop, followed up by a superkick on Sonny by LSD.

Then Fiend comes out and interferes allowing the IOV to take control. Then the IOV seemed to have control the rest of the match as they win with Hardass Headlock and Sonny’s sliding kick to the groin.

Winners: IOV (retain tag-titles)

Then we cut to the back where we see Hardass Lobb acting all nice to a bird. But, when he sees somebody coming he bites the head off of the Peep and attacks the person.

Match 2: Butane vs. Gotty 2 Hotty
The second match was Butane versus Gotty 2 Hotty. This match was dominated by Butane and was a very short match. Butane ended up locking on a chicken wing for the victory.

Winner: Butane

Match 3: Sonny Ono vs. D'Animal

Sonny immediately takes control with a couple cane shots, but the D’Animal plays dead. Allowing him to lock on the D’Animation. Sonny being smart gives the D’Animal a mule kick. Then Sonny really mounts a huge offensive onslaught hitting a pedigree and a springboard Pump Kick.

Then Sonny decides to finish the D’Animal off hitting a Flipping Pearl Harbor Plunge off of a chair.

Winner: Sonny Ono

Then we go to the woods once again to see Hardass having a funeral for the Peep who he killed. We see a Hardass tear, but again somebody walks by and Hardass goes crazy and attacks them.

Match 4: Hardass Lobb vs. High Performance Null

This match starts off really slow and continues that way throughout the whole match. Not really anybody took control of this match. HPN nailed Hardass with a vicious fist to the face; you can here the pop.

Hardass got really pissed off in this match and did not seem like himself. Finally, to end everybody’s suffering the Dark Carnival runs out and destroys him. Professor Palpitator planting him with a swinging double-arm ddt. This allows HPN to hit the Nullifier and pick up the victory.

Winner: High-Performance Null

Match 5: Injury Prone vs. LSD

This match was real short do to Police Interference (Those damn PIGS!!).

Basically Injury Prone nails LSD with the Gimp Drop and gets the victory, this ended up being the shortest match in MWHB history.

Winner: Injury Prone

Match 6: Big Got vs. Elephant Man for TV Title Big Got gets things started with a springboard flipping body attack. Then Big Got attempts to go high-flying but is met with a boot to the face from Elephant Man.

Elephant Man gains control with multiple elbow drops and a gut-wrench powerbomb. Then Elephant Man plants Big Got’s face right into a chair with a bulldog.

Then out of nowhere Big Got fights back with ala Jason Helton type chair shots (weak and on purpose). It is followed up by a vertical suplex. Big Got goes for an arm-wrench, but that is countered into a flipping arm-drag takeover by Elephant Man. Then Elephant Man sets up a table. He picks up Big Got in a Stalling Vertical Suplex and puts him right through the table (Part of Big Got’s back hits the end of the chairs). Big Got gets pissed and charges at Elephant Man.

Big Got plants him with a DDT. Big Got then takes out a table and puts Elephant Man on it. He climbs all the way up to the second to top rung of the ladder and hits a swan dive through the table on Elephant Man (That move was awesome)!! Big Got goes to the well too many times though and misses with a flipping leg-drop.

Elephant Man gain control again. He gores Big Got (spear) to the ground. Then Elephant Man executes a beautiful sling-shot on Big Got. Then Elephant Man mounts a huge offensive onslaught. Double-arm suplex, Pachyderm Pump onto boards, multiple suplexs, and a Northern Lights suplex. But, Big Got would not give up.

Elephant Man goes to a climb the ladder, but gets a low-blow. Then Big Got out of nowhere hits Diamond Dust on Elephant Man. But Elephant Man was just to strong he gorilla presses Big Got off the ladder. Plants him with a reverse X-factor.

But once again when everybody counted out Big Got he came back. He gives Elephant Man twisted fate. Then hits his Got Drop onto Elephant Man. Big Got had the match won. But, that bastard HPN runs out and hits Big Got with slap nuts (a big cardboard tube filled up with metal balls, it hurts trust me). This allows Elephant Man to pick up the victory with a Powerbomb pin w/bridge on Big Got and retain his TV Title.
Winner: Elephant Man

Match 7: Fiend vs. Professor Palpitator for Heavyweight Title The last match of the evening was between Fiend and Professor Palpitator. It was for the MWHB World Title with the loser going back down the ranks of the MWHB ladder and jobbing. This match was a very good match, it could very well be a better match then the TV Title match, because it was longer and everybody seemed into it. Nothing against the TV Title match, which in my mind was a lot better (This is Dusty Boy doing to results and speaking).

Fiend starts up this match by throwing a chair at Professor Palpitator. It connected and Fiend then connects with a spin kick. Then Fiend brakes out a Singapore cane cracking it over the head of Prof. Palp. But the never say die attitude helped Prof Palp. little in this match. He mounted no offense. Fiend just crushed Prof. Palp. with multiple offensive moves. Blue Thunder (Prof. PALP’S head smack off ground), Leaping Stunner, cane shots, board shots, snapping arm of Professor Palpitator. Don’t count out Prof. Palp. , ever. As he demonstrated great technical skills with arm bars and spinning toe holds. But, Fiend once again proved to out class and strengthen Prof. Palp. Fiend hammered the Prof. with headbutts, neck wrech, inverted falling ddt, and a Sambo Suplex through a table. Professor Palpitator did not get his name for nothing though.

He quickly mounted offense with back rakes, head butts of his own, more spinning toe holds, and a double-arm ddt. Fiend then showed why he takes so much damn steroids by losing his temper and cracking the jaw of Prof. Palp. with a European uppercut. Then nails Prof. Palp. with a backdrop suplex on his neck. Fiend goes for a variety of pins but cant seem to beat the Professor. Professor knocks down Fiend and hits a massive Butt Drop Rikishi style. Then just as quickly as Prof. Palp. gained control he lost it as Fiend nailed Prof. Palp. with a Fiend Buster. It looked like Fiend was going to win the World Title, but in the background a weird voice could be heard. IT WAS DUSTY BOY!!!

He came back to get his revenge on Fiend. Fiend attacked the new look Dusty Boy, but missed with a clothesline allowing Dusty Boy to hit a bulldog, then plant him with a ddt (the ddt did not look good at all as Fiend did not want to take the move). Then this allows Professor Palpitator to lock on the Elevated Leaf and make Fiend tap. Prof. Palp. regained the title. Him and Dusty Boy had a stare down in which Dusty Boy cracked Prof. Palp. in the mouth with an elbow and chased him into the back. This would be Fiend’s last match in the MWHB as he was fired. This all leaving Elephant Man to say one thing, “stop thinking about your penis Ralphus.”


This was the MWHB’s best card and the grade for this card is most definitely an A or maybe and A-.