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Suidal Sundays 5/6/01

Match 1
MC Dusto
The Rascist Bastard HPN

Prior to this matchup MC Dusto was seen in the parking lot and stole the Outlaws shoes because he didn't have a pair of his own. The match started off with Butane coming out with his partner. They are known as G.R.I.T.S. Butane whipped MC into the ladder and out of no where HPN charged and Gored MC straight into the unforgiving ground. Later MC came at HPN with a Ocean Cyclone but instead of the usual bulldog he pulled off an X-Factor driving HPN's head into the ground. MC Dusto then went for a hurricanrana but HPN delivered with a powerbomb. HPN continued his attack with a DDT and even his patented Nullifier. Then he picked MC Dusto up like a ragdoll and gorrilla pressed him onto the referee. MC Dusto wasn't quite out he managed to place the dazed HPN on to a chair as MC climbed the ladder and leg dropped the elevated HPN right on his head. MC tried to capitalize but HPN twisted his arm pulled him in for a huge powerslam knocking MC out to pick up the victory.

Winner: HPN via Powerslam
After the match Butane came out to continue his rein of attack and pummilling MC Dusto. Then Outlaw came out and capitalized by retrieving his shoes back.

Match 2
Professor Palpitator
The Outlaw

This match started off quickly with both men ducking each others clotheslines. Prof Palp finally caught Outlaw and dropped him down with a STO. Outlaw was then whipped onto a chair and then brought back down with a jawbreaker by Prof Palp. The match went on as Outlaw gained some momentum and knocked Prof Palp off his feet and Outlaw did his Old School maneuver the One Mile Senton Bomb landing full force onto the lifeless Prof Palp. Prof Palp came back with an array of Atomic Drops working on Outlaws tailbone which would come into play later on. Outlaw retaliated with a split legged senton bomb. Prof Palp came back and delivered his move the Chirocracker (which is a reverse piledriver where the other wrestler is draped on Prof Palp's back instead of on Prof Palps stomach, once you see a clip you'll understand my babbling). We thought Outlaw might have been killed after that but he fought his way back with four chair shots right to Prof Palp's skull. Outlaw attempted a pin after each one but could not pull off a victory. After the fourth and final one in the sanctioned matchup Outlaw delivered a monkey splash and finally defeated Prof Palp.
Winner: The Outlaw via Chairshots and Monkey Splash
After the match Prof Palp kept coming back to his feet but Outlaw took him back down with more chair shots. Don't worry he's still a sweetheart with a brand new haircut.

Match 3
Non-Title Matchup
Sonny Ono
Elephant Man

These two competitors square off again and both knowing each others styles they both went for the same move the start off with. Sonny got the early advantage as he seemed to have for most of the matchup. Both wrasslers went for a hairgrab takedown planting both of them face first on the ground. Sonny climbed a chair and jumped off but Elephant Man read the move and elevated his foot into the air connecting with Sonny's small face. Sonny still dazed, and Ele Man not paying attention, Sonny fell right on the genitals of Ele Man. After this move Sonny took the advantage and hit a DDT. Then he points towards the general direction of the crowd/cameraman and does the original THuG Splash. Elephant Man tries to gain some ground as he hits a Superkick to the small Sonny Ono. Sonny came back with a spinning head scissors. He then attempted the Pearl Harbor Plunge, but Elephant Man seemed to have gotten out of it, but Sonny ran off the ladder and pulled off a jaw breaker from the Impaler position(Yes very confusing). After a triad of groin attacks he grabs Ele Man in a Acid Drop position, he ran off the ladder, and turned the move into a reverse DDT. Sonny then imprinted Elephant Man's head into the ground with the Pearl Harbor Plunge to gain a victory.
Winner: Sonny Ono via Pearl Harbor Plunge
After the match Sonny paraded around with the TV Title belt but Elephant Man kicked him from behind and got his belt back.

Main Event
The Runner of the Gauntlet
The Outlaw
The Conch Blows
1st Opponent: Ricksqo
Ricksqo came out shaking his ass and Outlaw stuck his foot out and tripped him. He then hit a double arm DDT but miracleously Ricksqo kicked out. Ricksqo tried to fight back with a huge mule kick to the groin area of Outlaw and then he hit "The Finishing Move" Outlaw kicked out of that like it was nothing and hit a neckbreaker off the ladder to eliminate Ricksqo.
The Conch Blows
2nd Opponent: Professor Palpitator
The rules of The Gauntlet are whomever is to get eliminated must ref for the next matchup. Prof Palp came out firing trying to get back at Outlaw for defeating him earlier. Outlaw delivered a Stunner to Prof knocking his head back into the ref Ricksqo knocking him out. A 2nd ref came out to count the pin as Outlaw defeated Prof Palp.
The Conch Blows
3rd Opponent: That Rascist Bastard High Performance Null
High Performance Null seemed to have drank some moonshine before coming out because he seemed out of it as he just passed out after taking a few licks at Outlaw. Outlaw covered him for a quick and easy victory.
The Conch Blows
4th Opponent: Sonny Ono
HPN still out cold could not assume his duties as ref so Prof Palp had to continue. Sonny Ono being a Stupid Japanese started hitting the ref for no apparent reason as Outlaw giggled like a school girl in the background. Sonny finally realizes his mistake but obviously not caring seeing how hes a heel. That jerk. Outlaw dominated Sonny with some nice moves. Sonny tried fighting back with the triad of groin attacks but Outlaw was too much for him as he hit a huge Michinoku Driver to eliminate Sonny Ono.
The Conch Blows
5th Opponent: Elephant Man
Outlaw tried taking into Ele Man but Ele Man dropped Outlaw like a bad habit with a Northern Lights Suplex. Outlaw still had some fight left in him as he pulled off another victory.
The Conch Blows
6th Opponent: MC Dusto
The shoeless MC Dusto entered and he tried gaining an advantage on the fatigued Outlaw. Outlaw still the fighting man he is gains the advantage and puts MC Dusto on a chair and delivers another Michinoku Driver. The momentum of the move made MC bounce back in position for a rollup as Outlaw pulled off the victory.
The Conch Blows for the final time
7th Opponent: Latino Sensation Diego
LSD comes pacing around Outlaw and then when Outlaw finally turned around he delivered a huge Clothesline. This did not seem good for Outlaw as he was pit against LSD and the ref was his buddy MC Dusto. LSD then went to work early on the bad back of Outlaw by delivering a couple of back breakers from the Reverse DDT position. He then drops Outlaw to the ground with a falling suplex. He covered Outlaw and MC Dusto with a very fast count but Outlaw still managed to kick out. LSD wanting to weaken Outlaw even more started working on the tailbone first dropping Outlaw with an Ass Bomb and then a few stiff kicks to the tailbone. Outlaw seemed to have no ounce of strength left in him. LSD then nailed a Drive By Stunner. He then seemed to call for a piledriver through a table. Well, it seemed MC Dusto must of spent the money he could of used for food and clothing on drugs again as he started to lift up Outlaw helping him out of the move. LSD got very aggrivated at MC Dusto. LSD then picked up Outlaw for an ordinary Kevin Nash style Powerbomb and dropped him through the table seemingly not having the same effect a piledriver might have but it still helped him pull of the victory on Outlaw.
Winner: Latino Sensation Diego
After the match LSD got a few more licks in and stole the shoes from Outlaw again and gave them to the poor MC Dusto.