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Detailed Results for Suicidal Sundays 6/11/00
Dr. Zaus vs. Refried Beaner This was a pretty good match to open the event. Refried Beaner takes control early on in the match by hitting a powerbomb followed up with a crucifix slam. Zaus came back though with a vertical suplex and then attempted a running shooting star press but Refried Beaner moved out of the way. Beaner hit a ddt onto Zaus onto a road sign and a chair and then a powerbomb. Zaus threw down Beaner and hit an awesome moonsault off the chair and then attempted a senton but Beaner moved out of the way. Refried Beaner then sets up a glass table and gives Zaus a wicked powerbomb through it. Zaus kicks out of a pin attempt and hits a tiger buster on Refried Beaner. Refried Beaner then grabs a very tall drinking glass and smashes it over Dr. Zaus's head. Dr. Zaus gains the momentum back and hits another nice tiger buster, followed by two standing moonsaults to gain the win. WINNER BY PINFALL---DR. ZAUS

MC Dusto vs. Big Got vs. Elephant man This was an all MWHB match starting off with Big Got and MC Dusto. Big Got gives Dusto a big snapmare after Dusto misses a lariat, followed by a dropkick to the back by Got. Dusto goes for a lion tamer but Big Got does not give up. Big Got hits a few chair shots, and then Dusto does a nice rolling somersault into a rocker dropper. A few minutes into the match Elephant Man comes in and attacks Got and Dusto. Elephant man picks Got up on his shoulders and hits a nice sit down slam, but is then hit with a face buster by Dusto. Dusto goes for a german suplex, but it is blocked and reversed by Elephant Man, who goes for his own german suplex but Dusto blocks it and falls, has his his legs cauught by Elephant Man into a reverse powerbomb, but Dusto springs up and hits a nice bulldog. Elephant Man hits a nice northern light suplex into a bridge but only gets a two count. Dusto then brings a light tube into the match and lays it down on a board. Elephant Man hits a double arm ddt on Dusto followed by a big double underhook suplex on Big Got into a pin. Dusto then brings Big Got to the light tube and with the help of Elephant Man double powerbombs Big Got onto the light tube. Dusto tries to pin Big Got but Elephant Man hits Dusto with the Elephant Bomb for the pin. WINNER BY PINFALL---ELEPHANT MAN

Shock vs. Gotty 2 Hotty-Television Title Match This match stole the show and was definitely the match of the card. It was full of exciting armbar submission after armbar submission by both participants. The match had reached it's peak when out of nowhere The Outlaw and Fantastic Fil attack Shock. Outlaw hits Shock with a road sign and Fil executes a great standing moonsault onto shock. The two celebrate a little and walk out saying MWHB sucks dick. MWHB Interview Elephant Man, MC Dusto, and Jimmy Courageous all come to the ring to talk about the GCW. Elephant man says he is so sure his wrestlers will win that he makes challenges for MC Dusto to wrestle Fantastic Fil, and makes a challenge for Jimmy Courageous to wrestle The Outlaw. Not only that, but the match between Courageous and Outlaw would be for the GCW World Title, and control of the MWHB. Jimmy Courageous says he is not hardcore and does not want to wrestle Outlaw, but Elephant Man says he is going to and the MWHB leaves the ring.

MC Dusto vs. Fantastic Fil The match started off with Fil attempting a sunset flip but Dusto reversed it and picked him up for a powerbomb which was then reversed into a tornado ddt by Fil. Fil hits a picture perfect moonsault but does to much celebrating and MC Dusto hits him with a low blow. Then Dusto picks Fil up and gives him with a monster running powerbomb. Fil fights back though like only Fil can and hits many aerial and crazy moves, like moonsaults, springboard moonsaults, twisting senton, and a tornado ddt to top it off. MC Dusto with his gangsta mentallity hits a rocker dropper and puts in a nice back breaker. Fil then cracks Dusto in the head with a light bulb after Dusto is complaining to the world about nobody noticing him. Fil then hits a great bulldog and brings MC Dusto over to the trees. He climbs all up about a good 20 feet in the tree and hits Dusto with a splash, but in process he blows his knee out. You have to see this, you can actually hear his knee popping out. That leads to Dusty Boy getting the cover and the win. WINNER BY PINFALL---MC DUSTO

Big Got vs. The Outlaw-World Title Match for Control of MWHB The match started off with Big Got attempting a vertical suplex but it was reversed by Outlaw. Outlaw hits Big Got a few times with a road sign the sets him up on a chair, hits him in the head with a road sign, and Big Got falls back through two light tubes bridged across two chairs. Big Got drops Outlaw with a ddt and then gives him a hiptoss off of a chair through more light bulbs bridged across chairs. Outlaw and Big Got trade light tube shots then Big Got gives Outlaw a russian leg sweep onto light tube pieces. Outlaw then puts some light tube pieces on a road sign and tries to ddt Big Got onto them, but Big Got shoves him off and onto the light tubes. Big Got grabs another light tube and breaks it over the back of The Outlaw two times, then Outlaw hits a bulldog on Big Got. Outlaw and Big Got then go to the six foot balcony entrance to the woods and Outlaw throws Big Got off the top of the balcony through huge sharp bushes at the bottom. Big Got gets back up but is met with a chairshot by Outlaw, and is then thrown off the top of the balcony. Outlaw sets up a table, but Big Got gives him a hiptoss off of the top through a table. Outlaw sets up another table and chokeslams Big Got off of an electric box through a table, and then drops a big elbow from the top of the balcony. Outlaw then whips Big Got through a light tube on the electric box, then Big Got does the same to Outlaw followed by light tube shots. The two go back up to the woods where Outlaw breaks a light tube over Big Got three times, but is given a big chokeslam through a light tube table. Outlaw breaks a pinning attempt, and sets up a light tube tack table. Outlaw then gives Big Got a vertical suplex through the tack and light tube table for the win, and control of MWHB. WINNER BY PINFALL---THE OUTLAW
