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MWHB Presents: Winter Warfare 2000
A gentle snow is falling. The world seems peaceful. This is all about to change...
The Dark Carnival come to the ring. Elephant Man is carrying a singapore cane. They talk about how they are the saviors of the MWHB, and they are here to put a stop to the IOV. Elephant Man says he is going to retain his TV Title against LSD. Prof. Palp. says the Dark Carnival is going to have a new strap, because he is going to win the Heavyweight Title.
Fiend comes down to the arena alone. He bad mouths the Dark Carnival, and especially Professor Palpitator. Elephant Man asks him where his buddy, Dusty Boy is.
Dusty Boy, the heavyweight champ, come to the ring. He says that he is too good to come out with Fiend, because he passed his Navy test. Dusty Boy does some funny dialouge about his TV show Dusty Talk. The Dark Carnival leaves in disgust, and the camera fades out.

Match 1:
For the #1 contendor of the TV Title:
Big Gotlibowski vs. High Performance Null
This was a decent match, with both men executing some good moves. Big Got hit HPN with a side russian leg sweep early on. HPN delivered a devastating Hang Mans DDT, and looked to be gaining momentum. Big Got tried to fight back, but he couldn't gain the upper hand. Late in the match, both men went for a clotheline, thus enabling a double pin.
Winner: Double Pin via Double Clothesline

Match 2:
Hardass Lobb vs. Butane
Scene opens to Hardass Lobb sledding down a hill towards a parking spot. He sees a car parked in it and becomes enraged. He says that it is a Hardass Parking Space. When he goes to look through the door, it opens and knocks him down. Butane comes out and begins pummeling Hardass. Hardass attempts a bulldog, but screwed it up. A ref comes down and says that this a sanctioned match, and that it is no weapons, no submissions. The fight continues up to the top of the hill. Hardass, becoming desperate, hits the Hardass Headlock. At the same time, Butane hits Hardass with a cookie sheet, therefore DQing both men. The ref calls for the bell.
Winner: None, Double DQ

The ring announcer announces that the following match will be for the Tag Team titles. When he calls for Team Security, the champs, no one comes out. Then the Dark Carnival, the challengers for the titles, come to the ring. Elephant Man says that, since they didn't show, there titles have been stripped. He says that the following match will be between the Dark Carnival, and Fiend. Fiend comes down, and asks who his partner is. Elephant Man says that he will have the toughest man in the buisness on his side.
Sonny Ono comes to the ring. He says that his relationship with the IOV is purely business. The match then starts.

Match 3:
For Tag Titles
Dark Carnival vs. Fiend and Sonny Ono
This match up was pretty much one sided, with Fiend doing a varitey of hip toss variations. Every time Elephant Man would attempt anything on Sonny Ono, Fiend would stop him. Sonny delivered a huge DDT to Elephant Man, and the performed what he calls the Kamikazi Kick, which is a drop kick to the nuts. He then hit Elephant Man with the Pearl Harbor Plunge. When he goes for the pin, Fiend tells him they must inflict more pain. They both beat on Prof. Palp. for a while, and the Fiend hip tosses him onto Elephant Man. Sonny Ono pins both members of the Dark Carnival at the same time, allowing the win.
Winners and New Tag Champions: Fiend and Sonny Ono

We see Fiend and Sonny celebrating. Sonny wants to celebrate by getting some Saki, some Sushi, some Cream of Sum-yun-guy. Fiend says that if Sonny want to be his partner, he has to eat american food like pizza and spaghetti(?). Hardass walks by and says that Prof. Palp. had broken the Hardass glasses. Fiend says he will let Hardass join the IOV if he wants to get back at Prof. Palp. Hardass accepts, and the three men celebrate the forming of the new IOV. Fiend is last heard saying they will also get back at Dusty Boy.

Match 4:
For the TV Title
Wrestling Tri-Athlon
This was a terrific match up, with both men fighting with a vengence. This fued has been going on since the LOY tournament, and this match would decide who was the better man. The match starts out with Elephant Man hitting a quick side russian arm breaker. LSD hits Elephant Man with a nice Super Kick. He then goes onto the ladder, and hits Ele. Man with a pump kick. Elephant Man regains the momentum when he pulls off a variation bulldog, called the BullElephant. He then locks on the Elephant Lock, but LSD delivers a mule kick to break out. LSD then gives the Elephant Man his own submission hold, the Stiffy, and is able to get the three for a submission. LSD picks up a chair, but when he is about to hit Ele. Man, he gets it kicked into his face. His nose is now bleeding, and Elephant Man hits him with a Power Bomb, and then does a somersault with a bridge to get the pin. Both men now have gotten one of the three victories. Elephant Man sets up a chair, and delivers a drop toe hold to LSD onto the chair. Elephant Man puts on the Elephant Lock, and gets LSD to submit. LSD suddenly gets a rush of energy and shakes off Elephant Mans punches and kicks. He then delivers a viscious super kick to the Elephant Man. LSD then climbs the ladder and gives Elephant Man a tornado DDT onto a chair. Both men are dazed, but Elephant Man gets up after a count of 8. Elephant Man assaults LSD with the singapore cane, and almost knocks him out. LSD hits Elephant Man with a full nelson slam, but Elephant Man gets up and gives LSD a nice looking double underhook suplex. The match ends when Elephant Man hits LSD with the Pachyderm Pump, knocking him out. Elephant Man got all three nescessary victories, to retain his title.
Winner: Elephant Man via Pachyderm Pump

Match 5:
For Heavyweight Title
Fiend vs. Profesor Palpitator vs. Dusty Boy
The match starts out with Fiend attacking Dusty Boy with the singapore cane. Neither Dusty Boy nor Prof. Palp. can pull off many moves on Fiend. Dusty Boy almost got the momentum, until the New IOV came out and interfered in the match. Fiend is able to give Dusty Boy the Fiend-mission. Dusty Boy has been eliminated! Fiend begins to celebrate, but a weakened Prof. Palp. comes up behind him and delivers a low blow. He rolls Fiend up in a school boy, and gets the 1-2-3! Prof Palp is the new MWHB heavyweight champion!
Winner and New MWHB Heavyweight Champion: Professor Palpitator via school boy

We see Dusty Boy running through the woods with a scared look on his face. He begins to scream "The Eyes are Upon Us! The Eyes are Upon Us!" as the camera fades away, and Winter Warfare 2000 ends.