Thank You!!!!!!!!

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There are a ton of people that I'd like to thank for helping me while with this site!

Melissa: What can I say? Without your help...I wouldn't have a clue what HTML even was!! Thanks a bunch for your time, help, and pictures!! HUGE thanks for helping me with my site! What would I do without you!?!?!?! SHAOLIN WHAA!

Lisa: For supporting me, and my writing! Thanks for the feedback!

Stacie: For giving me the confidence to post my fan fiction, and for setting me straight on why we need pesky timelines!!

Patrick: For not getting too mad when I do venture out of the bedroom, and tear myself away from my woobie!

Denise: My little sister! The one who reminds me that Slaughter should be my first priority! Thanks! :)

Ann and Cass: For lighting a fire under my butt to get my vampire page up. Ann...thanks for the help with the web page! Cass...thanks for the ideas! Without you guys, there wouldn't be a vampire page! :)

A HUGE thanks to all of you that visit my site! I can use all the feedback I can get! THANKS!!