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Zoicite's Profile

Name: Zoicite
Title: The She-Male
Quote: When the rats are away the cats will play. Too bad the Queen Rat is back! Ha ha ha!
Hair Color: Golden Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6'0
weight: 145

Ah ha ha ha ha! My name is Zoicite but you can call me Zoicite... or if you must, Zoi. In the manga my name is spelt Zoisite. In the anime I was killed my Queen Beryl for failing her and doing things my way intead of hers. I was killed by Sailor Venus in the manga. In the original Japanese version I was a man but in the N/A dub I had a woman's voice because DiC didn't think my homosexual relationship with Malachite was appropriate for children's television. I was in charge of retrieving all 7 Rainbow Crystals from their carriers so that the crystals would combine and Queen Beryl could get the Silver Imperium Crystal. If she had that crystal nothing could stop the Negaverse from taking over the world. I only got 5 of them plus I didn't do what Beryl said and she killed me. I died in Malachite's arms. My last words were for him not to forget me.

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