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Meet my family!

Well, here they are. The people who raised me. (You gotta wonder what happened...) Here's the quick run-down. My parents are David and Sandy. I have a 15 year old sister named Kerri who is in High School. On my dad's side of the family, there's my grandparents, my Uncle Steve and Aunt Carol, and my cousins Chris and Jenni, and Uncle Tom and Aunt Brenda, and my cousin Josh. On my mom's side, there's my other grandparents, my Uncle Dick and Aunt Kim, and my cousin Zach, Uncle Jim and Aunt Mary, and Uncle Gene and Aunt Linda. My family is pretty spread out across the country, so I don't get to see them as often as I would like to.

This is my dad's side of the family, the Blights! The four guys in the back (starting from the left) are Chris, Steve, Tom, and my dad. In the middle row are Jenni, Carol, Brenda, my mom, me, and Kerri. In the front are my grandparents, and my cousin, Josh.

This, of course is my mom's side of the family, the Browns. In the back are my grandfather, my mom, my grandmother, and my uncle, Jim. In front are my uncles, Gene and Dick, and my cousin Zach. (For some reason I couldn't find a picture of my aunt Kim.)

This is my uncle Gene, and my aunt Linda.

And this is my uncle Jim and aunt Mary.

Here's Tom, Brenda, and Josh!

And here's my cousins. That's Chris, Jenni, Josh, me, and Kerri.

Here's my cousin Josh. I think this picture is so cute!

This one is Zach. He's a year older than Josh, and I think this is one of the few pictures he held still for. :)

This is my sister, Kerri, and her friend, Robin.

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