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What I do...

You want to know about my life?! Hmm...Where to begin. Well, I was born April, 28, 1981, and I live in Illinois. I graduated from Centennial High School in 1999 and am now attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Look, I have my own sailboat!!!


I suppose I should tell you about my school life, since, for some reason, I seem to have spent a lot of time there. Well, I started out at Kenwood Elementary, then went on to Jefferson Middle School... Next, of course, came four years at Centennial High School. Go Chargers! I suppose could go on and on about what I don't like about school, (like Math, for instance... evil, evil, evil...) but I think it would be more productive to focus on what I do like. My favorite subject in high school was English, and I'm proud to say that I scored a 5 on the AP English exam (which is the highest you can score). I've had five years of Spanish (and can't speak a word of it anymore, sadly... It's been too long.) and I joined the Spanish Honors Society my freshman year of high school. All of the computer classes I have taken at Centennial were great (and if not for them, this webpage probably wouldn't be here), and if you ever get a chance to take a crafts class, go for it, cuz it's lots of fun! For the most part, I liked my teachers in high school (although I'll admit, there were a few that I'd rather have avoided) and I think a little recognition is in order for some of my favorites.

My Favorite Centennial Teachers

English: Mr. Yanchus
My Freshman and Sophomore year
English teacher, and by far, the most
interesting teacher I've ever met.

Math: Mr. Kearney
A.K.A. Kearn-dog! Yes, I hate Math, but
this guy made it tolerable for my
Sophomore year. ;)

Science: Mrs. McLean
My Junior year Physics teacher, who
somehow managed to keep my interest.

Spanish: Ms. Seda
The coolest Spanish teacher at Centennial.
(You should see her in a blue wig!)

AP English: Mrs. Barton
The nicest teacher you could ever hope to have!


I'm currently attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I'm majoring in Geology, and while I have no idea whatsoever what I will do with such a degree, I absolutely love it. Rocks are frickin' cool. :) College is an awesome experience, and there is so much to learn and so many kick-ass classes to take. Some of the best I've had have been Perspectives in Astronomy, Aztec Civilization, Intro to the Short Story, Structural Geology and Tectonics, and Intro to Paleontology, among others. I've had some really great professors, too... Alan Whittington, James Kaler, and Bruce Fouke, to name a few... Special props to Dr. Whittington for being one of the nicest and most generally awesome instructors I've ever had the pleasure of learning from (and I'm not sucking up... I mean it!).

My Major Interests

I love to read, write when I can find a little inspiration, play Nintendo, and watch TV. My favorite authors? Michael Crichton, Tanya Huff, and William Shakespeare. My all time favorite book is Jurassic Park (Love those dinos!).

I am something of a Nintendo/Video Game addict, and I have an NES, SNES, GameBoy, Virtual Boy, and N64. I also have a Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, and Sony Playstation. I have over 100 games for my systems. My favorite games? Mortal Kombat, Zelda 64, Mario Kart 64, and Mario 64. And of course, my all time favorite, Final Fantasy VII!!! Sephiroth rules!

And of course, my greatest love, T.V. There are certain shows that I have to watch... Star Trek: TNG, Team Knight Rider (unfortunatly, it was cancelled), South Park, The Drew Carey Show, and The Simpsons. And of course, my very favorite, Whose Line is it, Anyway? (I just love Ryan Stiles and Greg Proops... and don't forget about Tony Slattery!)

I'm also a movie lover. Some of my favorite actors are Kurt Russell, Jeff Goldblum (Very yummy!), Jim Carrey, Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Harrison Ford... (I could keep going, but I'd run out of disk space.) Some of my favorite movies include (but are not limited to) Executive Decision, Independence Day, Captain Ron, Men in Black, Jurassic Park, Escape from New York, Under Siege, Scream, Cats and Dogs, and The Princess Bride. As for my all time favorite, it tends to change with the mood I'm in. Right now, it's The Great Mouse Detective, which has been a favorite of mine since I was little, and just never gets old!

What kind of music do I like? Well, I'll listen to just about anything. Some of my fave songs include Yoda, Dare to Be Stupid, Taco Grande, One Week, My Heart Will Go On, Tubthumping, Music of the Night, Dreams in the Mist, and Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen). I'm always finding new faves. I'm also a huge fan of ALW's Phantom of the Opera. However, my absolute favorite singer in the entire universe (get the point?) has got to be "Weird Al" Yankovic. I'm sure my parents are sick of hearing his CDs over and over and over, but what can I say? Hey... It got me through high school with my sanity in tact... well, sort of... ;)

Well, I think that covers the basics. Of course if you really want to get to know me, you'll have to e-mail me.

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