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Halloween is on October 31 of each year. You dress up as your favorite character and go to different house and say trick or treat. The people then give you candy fruit or toys.

This past year Sunshine was Wario (Mario's evil twin) Stinker was a Barbie doll.

At 5:00pm all the cousins start arriving at our house. We all go over the rules of safety before we head out such as:

1. Never cross the street without an adult.
2. Always walk on the sidewalk.
3. Always have a flashlight with you.
4. Never go to a house that doesn't have its outside lights on.
5. Never go to a back door.
6. Never go into a person's house.
7. Have reflective tape on your shoes or back.
8. Never eat any candy until its been checked to make sure its ok to eat.
9. Beware of strange animals, ghosts included.
10. Always say "Thanks you!"
11. The most important rule of all is Mom gets all the peanut butter cups!

I am sure there are more rules I don't have on here, so please feel free to send them to me so I can add them.

After the rules have been gone over we set out for our fun. Stinker and Sunshine love to walk through the leaves that have fallen. We go up one side of our street then down the other side, filling their bags with lots of candy. Every once in awhile we stop to see if we can hear any ghosts or witches flying around. We haven't seen any yet, but we are always on the lookout. If you have any different traditions that you do at Halloween send them to me I will post them. This way we can learn about how everyone else celebrates Halloween.