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"Sunshine hand me the milk hon, please." I said.
"Stinker would you please get the hot chocolate mix and marshmallows?" shivering as I asked.
"That was some Christmas tree we picked out!" Sunshine said.
"Yes, it was Sunshine!" Stinker said.
"Well, the biggest tree they had was only 12 feet, but we will have to make due." I said.
"Here comes Dad now!" Sunshine said.
Dad was carrying in the biggest and the most beautiful fraser fir Christmas tree we had ever seen.
Dad said "Hope this tree will fit in the door"
Sunshine ran to help Dad squeeze the tree through the door.
"There all set to decorate!" Dad said with a sigh of relief.

"Ok, come on you guys the hot chocolate is all ready. We can decorate the tree after we have all warmed up." I said as I was handing out the hot chocolate.
Stinker ran and got a blanket for her and Sunshine, because she wanted to hurry and get warm so they could decorate the Christmas tree.
Sunshine said, "Thanks, this blanket this will help us warm up!"
Everyone was nice and warm and enjoying their hot chocolate. Oliver came walking up to Sunshine purring, and sniffing his hot chocolate. Sunshine reached over to get a marshmallow out of the bag to give to Oliver. Oliver sat and licked the marshmallow then began batting it around like most cats would do.
After drinking our hot chocolate, Dad and Sunshine went right to work carrying up the Christmas tree ornaments and Stinker and I cleaned up the mess that Oliver and Sunshine made.

"Ok, everyone lets get started on decorating our Christmas tree!"
Dad began hanging the bubble lights, while we all began getting the ornaments out of the boxes.
"Aww, this is my picture from last year" Stinker said.
"Has anyone found my hotwheels ornament yet?" Sunshine asked.
"Yes Sunshine its right over here." I said.
"Cool, Mom I want to put that one on first." Sunshine said.
"Sure." I said.
We all began working very hard finding the perfect spot for each ornament. Stinker moving each ornament at least 3 times. Sunshine was putting his ornaments on two branches; the tree was looking great.
All the sudden a purple round glittering ornament went crashing down to the floor. The ornament broke into a million pieces.
"Who did that?" Sunshine asked.
"It wasn't me." Stinker said.
"It's Ok, it was just the Fraser Fir Fairy." I said, while sweeping up the mess.
Stinker then put her hand on her forehead and said, "OH NO MOM, YOU MEAN WE HAVE A FRASER FIR FAIRY!"
"Yes, it looks that way honey" I said.
"Why?" Sunshine asked
""The Fraser Fir Fairy only hides in the biggest and prettiest Fraser firs. I was hoping he went home with someone else. He likes to knock the ornaments off the Christmas tree." I explained.
"He?" Sunshine asked
"Yes, he." I said.
"Wow, we have a boy fairy!" Sunshine said.
"Now, now I wouldn't be getting to excited Sunshine, he is an ornery critter!"
"We better get back to work on this tree if we want to go to bed tonight." I said.
Both kids ran to the tree pulling branches apart trying to find the fairy.
"Good luck finding him I don't know of anyone who has seen him." I said.
Sunshine replied smiling "Not yet you mean."
Dad was busy high up on the ladder decorating the top of the Christmas tree when he yelled, "There he is!"
Sunshine and Stinker almost knocked over the Christmas tree trying to see him.
"Darn, he is one fast fairy" Dad said
This only added to Stinker and Sunshine's excitement.

"Ok, now it's tinsel time!" I said.
I handed everyone a can of tinsel.
"What is this?" Stinker asked.
"This is Victorian tinsel, we can't use the regular kind because Oliver likes to eat it. That could make Oliver really sick." I said.
"Ok" Sunshine said.
Little did I know at the time, but Victorian tinsel is one of the Fraser Firs Fairy's favorite things to knock off the Christmas tree!
We all sat admiring the Christmas tree, when again down came another ornament. This time Oliver ran over and started to play with the ornament
Stinker walked over and took the ornament away from Oliver. As she was putting the ornament back on the tree when she said. "Fraser Fir Fairy, these are not play toys for Oliver, they are Christmas tree ornaments!" shaking her head as she walked back to her chair.
"Ok, everyone its bedtime" I said.
"Should we leave the Christmas tree lights on, Mom." Sunshine asked.
"No, lets hope he sleeps!" I said.

The next morning I walked into the family room and there stood Sunshine with his hands on his hips. He began "Mom, the Fraser Fir Fairy didn't get much sleep last night".
"I see that!" I said.
"I had all my favorite ornaments down on these branches, now they are all over the tree."
There on her hands and knees was Stinker picking up all the Victorian tinsel off the floor.
"Mom your right he is an ornery fairy!" Stinker said holding a handful of Victorian tinsel.
"Stinker would you put the tinsel back on the tree and Sunshine would you help me with breakfast." I asked.
Sunshine said "yes." All Stinker did was nod with disgust at the mess the Fraser Fur Fairy made.
Sunshine was stirring the pancake mix, when all the sudden Stinker begins to screaming "MOM, DAD!!"
We both ran into the family room thinking something horrible had happened to
"What is the matter Stinker?" Dad asked, while my heart was still pounding.
"Look, just look up here!" she said.
We both looked where Stinker was pointing and there was a bubble light with no water in it.
"MMM, looks like the Fraser Fir Fairy was thirsty last night.
"Ok, family meeting after breakfast guys, we have to figure out how to deal with this little trickster." I said.
After breakfast we all gathered in the family room.
Just as we were all sitting down Oliver takes off up the tree.
"Oliver just saw the Fraser Fir Fairy and took off after him!" Sunshine screamed and laughed.
Everyone ran to the tree. Stinker and Sunshine were trying to get Oliver out of the tree, while Dad and I held the tree up. Finally Sunshine was able to get Oliver out of the tree.
Sunshine carried Oliver back to his chair with him and wouldn't let him off his lap.
"Ok everyone, we have 3 more weeks till Christmas. The Fraser Fir Fairy will be here till then anyone have any idea's on how to settle this trickster down?" I asked.
"Mom, he doesn't like the water the tree is sitting in so maybe we could put a small bowl of water in the middle of the tree." Stinker said.
"Good idea, Stinker." Dad said.
" I was just thinking, I don't see any pinecones on that tree." Dad said.
"Dad, do you think he might eat them?" Sunshine asked.
"Could be Son." Dad said.
"I have a whole basket of pinecones in the our bedroom." I said.
"We could put some up in the tree for the fairy Dad." Sunshine said.
"Sounds like a plan, Stinker will you go and get some water and Sunshine could you get the pinecones?" Dad asked.
Off they both went. Sunshine returned with both hands full of pinecones. Stinker returned with an old cat dish filled with water.
Stinker and Sunshine both took the pinecones and water and tucked them into the tree.
"This may just work!" I said.

Sure enough the next morning all the water was gone, and two pinecones were missing. The only thing that he messed up on the tree was the Victorian tinsel. It was still all over the floor.
"It's working Mom, the Fraser Fir Fairy didn't drink the bubble lights and he left everything else alone." Stinker said as she was again on her hands and knees picking up the tinsel.
"Ok, we can live with him playing with the tinsel as long as he leaves everything else alone." I said
"Stinker it is going to be your job until we take the tree down to make sure the fairy has plenty of water." I said.
" Sunshine you can keep him in full supply of pinecones…deal?"
"Deal!" they both said at the same time.
"Mom, next time we put up our Christmas tree would it be ok if we didn't give the Fraser Fur Fairy water and pinecones the first night?" Sunshine smiled.
"NO!" Dad said, as I turn and nodded yes to Sunshine.

The end.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Last Update: 05/10/00