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It was a wonder sunny Sunday, I noticed that Stinker had been pretty quiet most of the day. We all sat down to eat Sunday dinner; Stinker came walking to the table so slowly and sad fighting back the tears filling her eyes.

I asked, "What is the matter Stinker?"

Stinker looked up at me with her big beautiful eyes and said, "the tooth fairy forgot about me."

Stinker was so sad; the tone of her voice was breaking my heart. She then opened her hand and showed me a shinny white plastic tooth. Stinker had been to the dentist the week before and the dentist gave her a necklace with shinny white plastic teeth on it.

Stinker then began to explain,"but Mom, I cut the teeth off so carefully, and made sure I kept the best one for the tooth fairy. Then I put it under my pillow so she could find it"

I looked down at her and smiled and said, "the tooth fairy is pretty smart and knows the difference between a real tooth and a fake one honey."

Stinker just lowered her head and nodded.

I then said, "There is one fairy you have to be careful with."

Stinker and Sunshine both turned and looked at me. Dad raised his eyebrows, like here we go again.

At the same time Stinker and Sunshine asked, "Who?"

I said, "The Rock Fairy."

At the same time again both children said, "Rock Fairy?"

"Who is the Rock Fairy, Mom?" Sunshine asked.

I explained, "she is a little tiny fairy that comes to little children's rooms after they have gone to bed and collects the rocks they leave under their pillows."

"But why?" Stinker asked.

"The Rock Fairy has to replace the rocks that have been taken from the rivers, streams and creeks, that we take with us when we go collecting rocks."

I then added, "the problem with the Rock Fairy coming is that she leaves dirty under your pillow, because after all replacing rocks is a dirty business."

Stinker asked, "what color is her hair Mom?"

"Brown of course." I said

Sunshine asked, "Can she carry 10 or 100 rocks at a time?"

"No hon, only one at a time, she is a very little fairy. That is why she only comes once a year. She has lots of houses to visit."

"How does she see at night?" Stinker asked.

"She uses special fairy dust that lights up." I answered.

"Were does she live?" asked Stinker.

"She lives along the rivers, creeks and streams that she is replacing the rocks on." I said.

"What does she eat?" Sunshine asked.

"Fairy Food." I said.*

"You remember that yellowish candy we bought at the candy store? I asked.

"Yes" Sunshine and Stinker both said.

"That's Fairy Food." I said.

"Wow, what a lucky fairy, Mom can I have Fairy Food for dinner tonight?" Stinker asked.

"Sorry, honey Fairy Food is for fairies to eat for dinner, you are lucky you get to eat meat and vegetables and fruits." I said.

Poor Dad didn't know what to say except, hmmm as he rolled his eyes.

Stinker and Sunshine began eating as fast as they could get by with. They didn't want desert, they quickly washed their hands and out the door they flew! I went to look out the window to see where they were heading off.

Both Sunshine and Stinker were at the creek looking for rocks. I heard Stinker say, "We have to find the perfect one Sunshine!" "Ok we will." Sunshine answered.

About 20 minutes later here comes Sunshine and Stinker, covered in mud with big smiles on their faces. Both so proud of the rock they were carrying.

"I found the perfect one!" Sunshine said.

"Yes but mine is small so the Rock Fairy can carry mine." Stinker so proudly said.

Holding back my laugher I told them, "you both need to go and get cleaned up and ready for bed."

Sunshine and Stinker hurried off, making sure they were as clean as the rocks they were tucking under their pillows. As they were tucked in that night I felt the rocks under their pillows.

" I am going to wait up for the Rock Fairy, Mom." Stinker said.

"Sweetie she will only come after your asleep, she is busy and doesn't have the time to sit and talk. You must let her do her job so she will get it done." I explained.

"I can't wait to see the dirt that the Rock Fairy leaves under my pillow Mom." Sunshine said, he was so excited it made me laugh.

"Well Sunshine, if the rock is under your pillow, then you could wake up with dirt under it." I said.

As I was walking out of his room he was still laughing.

The next morning, I woke up to the sounds of both Sunshine and Stinker laughing. Both kids came running down to our bedroom.

"MOM, DAD you have to come and see this! The Rock Fairy came!" Stinker said.

"WOW MOM AND DAD you won't believe the mess the Rock Fairy made under my pillow!" Sunshine said.

Dad and I got up; Sunshine and Stinker were both pulling our hands to hurry us along. First I walked into Stinkers room.

"OH MY WHAT A MESS!" I said, which made Stinker laugh more. There under her pillow was so much dirt! I looked closer to the dirt and saw what I thought looked like glitter. **

Stinker explained "Mom that is Fairy dust." With the biggest smile on her face.

Just then I heard Dad say, "Wow Sunshine wait till your Mom sees this mess."

I heard Sunshine laugh harder and harder.

I walked into Sunshine's room.

I gasped! "What happened in here?"

"Mom, I think I have dirt all over my bed because my rock was bigger than Stinkers." He said, trying so hard not to let me see him smiling. Dad and I hugged them both.

I said, "well looks like after breakfast we have a mess to clean up."

"Yep" they both said at the same time.

Sunshine went to the calendar, and marked August 20 with a big star. He said, "Now next year we will be ready for the Rock Fairy again, and Stinker what do you say this time we wait up for her?"

"Yes! That messy little fairy, I need to show her how to wash her hands!" Stinker giggled.

The End.

I can get fairy food at my local candy store. If you can't find it, here is a recipe for it! Have fun!

Fairy Food

2 cups light corn syrup

2 cups packed brown sugar

4 teaspoons baking soda

Confectioners Coating-Chocolate

Combine sugar and syrup in heavy pan. Cook at medium heat till boiling, stirring constantly. Cook till hard crack stage, 300 degrees on a candy thermometer. Remove from heat. Have a 9x13" pan prepared by buttering generously. (Line with foil if you wish, this makes it easier to turn out for breaking.) Add baking soda and immediately whisk till incorporated and quickly pour into pan. It will foam heavily. Break up when cool and dip in chocolate confectioners coating. The kids will love seeing the fairy food foam!

* Fairy Dust: A hefty hand full of fresh dirt and glitter. Stinker thinks the Rock Fairy likes the red glitter better.

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