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My parents are Jeral and Paul,they had spent almost 54 years together and raised 6 kids.My dad , had alzeimers and passed away September 22 2001,and its hurt us all alot to lose this great man,or in my eyes,he was and always will be great! I miss him alot.My mom has an awful lot to deal with now .Its a very sad disease to watch someone you love lose their thoughts !Than when they are gone ,its hard to face reality sometimes and accept it was for the best!I will forever miss him.

I am the oldest and was taught by them to respect others and treat others as you want to be treated. I married Patty,July 10,1970,she was 18 and I was almost 22.


My sister Christine has been married and divorced numerous times,because she is one stubborn gal and takes no bull off of men! ha,She is a hard worker and raised 2 kids pretty well on her own,Shane and Kelly , right at the moment shane had a brain tumor removed and they have given him 5 years,so anyone entering here please pray for him,prayer can be answered,we know it,and my sister, Chris is a grandma and says she just loves it!
Shane lost his battle 2 years ago and we all miss him !


My sister Adele is married to Don and has been for 39 years and also does reflexology,she is a very firm believer in God and tries to live by the bible. They raised 2 great boys together,Michael and Matthew . Michael is married and has 3 little boys and is very happy and Matt works on computers and just recently got married!


Lewis is remarried again after alot of years of staying single and driving the family nuts ! ha He has a son and daughter from his 2nd marriage and now is a grandpa also!The four of us are all about a year apart and were very close as kids!
Lewis was found dead in his bed a year ago in Oct,and we have all been sad over this loss and shock!


Richard is 8 years younger than I am but were pretty close,he is married to Cheryl and they are busy raising 3 sons!


And the baby of the clan even tho he is 6 ft 7 is Randal,he has been married 2 times and has 2 great kids from his first marriage! He is alot happier with Sherry ,his 2nd wife and is now a granpa also and one proud one, he is a carpenter and just bought a big resort in Minnesota.

Rick and I are the only two now that have stayed in ILLinois and the rest have all moved off to different states but we try to keep in touch with each other as much as we can!






updated May 2008

Background came from:

Penny Parker Graphics