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Welcome to my world!

MY real name is Steve, but I am known as Eagle1948, on the net!

I am married to Patty(Crafty on the net) and have been for 38 years now! She is my best friend,and has seen me through an awful lot in our married life!

We raised three great kids together,Tammy,Stevie Jr. and Terry and I am the proud Grandfather of 7 of the prettiest little girls and 2 of the sweetest little grandsons one could ever imagine !

Yep i am one proud grandpa,(Of course I may be a bit prejudice here!)LOL

They are Kristina,Megan and Breana and Alexis,and Ayriana and Aubre,Steven the 3rd and Zander Scott,Zoe Ann,.

I am very proud of my family,even if they aren't to sure about it! You can read all about my family,on Crafty's homepage!

or here


I am very proud of all of them!

I was born and raised in a small town in ILLinois, and was the oldest of six kids! Always taught that responsibility should come first!

I love to watch football and basketball,wrestling,boxing and,even tho it drives Crafty over the edge,she tolerates it!

I love about any kind of sports,and loved to coach my sons teams in baseball and football while they were playing as young boys!

At 18 years old,I had to grow up quickly in order to survive because,I was a marine and served in Vietnam, a war that left alot of sadness and hate in my heart! And still bothers me to this day,but with finding God and accepting it,I have learnt kind of how to let it go and forgive myself!

Now I love to hike and fish and play games on the net!

I never ever dreamed of liking a computer but enjoy going to,my son;s computer store now and seeing what else I can come up with to get Crafty ! If I could I would give her the world! I like spoiling her! And keeping her happy,sure makes my life more enjoyable! Ha ha!

One of my greatest material loves is motorcycles,I love the wind and the free feeling when I use to ride on mine! Someday when i finally win the lotto,I will have another and cruise the world on it! Of course,Crafty,thinks I am a bit nuts for saying that ,but I LOVE TO RIDE!!!!!!!!!

When I met Patty,I was a factory worker ,than I became a union carpenter,and loved seeing buildings go up from scratch,and knowing that I helped put them together,was one of the rewards of the trade,that I truly loved!

I am now a Reflexologist! People sorta laugh when I tell them I work feet for a living ,but I enjoy helping others feel better and I will be adding a page to explain more about this business,I love !

These days you can find me in a card game of spades in Hardwood Spades, turbo 21 at pogo and reading on the Chicago Bears! I spend most of my time at one of those, while I am on the net!

Thanks for visiting my page!And please sign my guestbook,so i know you was here!!

updated May 2008

My Favorite Web Sites

Docs military and patriotic graphics
Jami's Place Graphics
Eagle graphics
