Playing the piano, singing, music in general
Gardening and Canning;
Swimming, sunning, and long walks on the beach
Candle light dinners, quiet times with my special someone
Writing short stories
Being outdoors
I will do what i can do, and then allow God to do what I cannot.
The most important things in this life are not measured My life has been enriched by my best friend . . . my dear father !
by their costs, but they are measured by the heart.
If you can find one good friend who will stand by you through
the good times as well as the bad, then you indeed are a very rich person !
O Great Spirit,
Whose voice I hear in the wind,
Guide my foot steps this day,
Guard all I do and say.If my brother is troubled in spirit,
Give me Your wisdom to know what to say,
Keep my tongue silent,
When words are not needed, this day.
Let my brother feel the softness in Your love,
As perfect as the morning dove.
May Father Sun surround him in light,
As the eagle soars, take wing in flight.May his heart know the joyous song,
That can be heard all day long.
May the peace of Your love permeate his being,
...Something that is felt, but not by seeing.And when he reaches the end of his day,
May he understand Your love in a perfect way.
When the stars and moon dance high above,
May he rest in your abiding love.
Jennie K. 5-99
O' Great Spirit, who's voice sings in the trees,
teach me your patience and vision, that I may
walk as one with the Heavens and Mother Earth.
Grant me your courage and strength that I might fly
with the eagles and run with the wolves.
Icq # 37529941
affectionately ed anthony
Praise the LORD