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The Legend of The Wolves
by Princess Jennie K.
Native American

The Legend of The Wolves

<> Legend of The Wolves <>

Many winters ago, before the land was spoiled, there was a wolf. This wolf was like no other. He had a raven coat that glistened in the sun light. His eyes were brown, just as the leaves before the winter's snow. He had strong legs which gave him much power in the land. Those legs ran over the prairie grasses, looking for other woodland animals that needed his protection. The wolf would often sit on a high hill to watch his sister the sun disappear into the western sky. Although he was the most beautiful, most powerful animal in the land, a part of him was missing. He walked alone. There had been several shee wolves that had captured his eye, but none were able to fill the emptiness deep within. One morning he wanted to watch sister sun appear in the Eastern sky. He climbed the hill before dawn, and awaited the beauty of morning sun. As sister sun began to peek over the horizon, he gloried in the splashes of reds, yellow, pink, and orange. This was truly a gift from Father sky. As he worshipped that morning, he saw an animal like no other in the midst of the rising sun. This creature moved with beauty and grace. It too had a raven mane that flowed so gently in the mroning breeze. It had only two legs and long graceful limbs that protruded from it's upper body. This animal had brown skin, and had the most breath taking smooth complexion. How could such beauty and grace be upon one creature? The wolf thought to run, but as he turned to go, he realized he would not be satisfied until he discovered more about this creature.

As he quitely walked toward the creature, he could see something in it's eyes that he had never seen in any other. The depth of those beautiful eyes sent a chill through his being. He continued to walk slowly toward the creature which was now totally bathed in the light from sister sun. He was finally close enough for her to see him. When their eyes met, there was no fear from either. It was as if she had known him from the beginning of time. There was a spark that touched them both as their eyes met. At that moment, a transformation began to take place in him. He found that he was now walking up-right, as this creature from the sun. His strong legs took on a different form. What was once his front paws now became limbs like hers. He was not aware of the changes taking place within him, for he was totally captivated by her beauty and face. Although her smile warmed his soul, there was a fear inside like none he had ever known. It was a fear of waking from this mesmerizing dream, to find himself alone once again. He knew in his heart that this beautiful creature was a gift from sister sun. He had a warmth in his heart for this delicate creature. He knew that she would walk by his side as his companion, and he would love her and protect her from harm. He was finally at peace. He had found his mate. The creature from the sun is called Heart that Sings.
The creature too, had been searching for a companion. She too was lonely and afraid. She prayed to the Great Spirit for a companion, and to her surprise, the Great Spirit brought her The Wolf. Together they walked the hills that were adorned in the prairie grasses. Together, they watched the sunrises and remembered the day they were united. Yes, the Great Spirit had been with them both and now they were together. No more alone.


Today, when you see a wolf walking alone, know that he is looking for the one from the sun...the one who will make his heart sing.

By Princess Jennie K.
Copyright (c) 1999 All rights reserved.

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Princess Jennie
Native American
<> site created 8/02/99 and updated 9/14/99 <>