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Princess Jennie's
~~ Guardian Angel ~~

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~A~ngel Knight Book Store Princess Jennie's " Guardian Angel"

The Guardian

As the sun came up this morning,
My thoughts drifted back to another place and time...
The light was so brilliant,
I nearly couldn't see,
But then my eyes focused
on the Maker of all time.
Many years ago, I made a little journey,
To this place of brilliant glory...
I was held in the arms of the Everlasting.
And heard of His beautiful story.
After a short while in the arms of my Lord,
He told me that He would send me,
Back to this place called "Earth"...
But He would never leave nor forsake me.
When I questioned Him about the mission ahead:
He wouldn't reveal that to me, but merely said,
"No matter where you go, your footsteps will be
guided by Me.
For yours is a lonely road... but, I will be with
He then gently nudged me back to this place
called Earth,
From where I have been a stranger since birth.
As time went by, His words rang true,
This lonely road is traveled by few.
Although no mortal travels with me,
My Savior is by my side...
Showing the way...
My Eternal Guide.
So what is this mission, you may ask,
The mission I'm on is quite a task.
I've been appointed guardian over many souls,
To lead them and guide them in their various roles.
To love them when it seems that no one cares,
To hover over them and protect them from the enemy's snares.
A Guardian Angel ?...well, perhaps,
But I prefer to call it,
"Bridging the Gap."

Jennie K. Copyright (c) 1999.
All rights reserved.

IcQ # 37529941
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Best Wishes,
Princess Jennie
