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      (Note.) At school it is the wisdom of focus to place and keep things under focus. Focus in its nature is dualistic, dividing the central and peripheral apart, in a compulsive way. The sociology of farms has big plans for sharp focus. First they will banish trivialities and detail by laying focus on a suitably large number of general cases of the prosperous farmer; and then so apply these general cases to their data that they come up with a total history of farming, at ten volumes per farm, running only two trillion volumes. What more should they want? It will make government reports look ridiculous.

Cauldrons for new lovers
Provide small bowls they keep
To repel wool from sheep
Fenced as ink-wise neighbors.

A splash of color,
A windy garden at dawn --
And yet, the moon hides.

A dog accustomed to home and carpet
Might find the forest stormy wealth in debt
To the elements, and sniff out poor shrubs
Which yield no food, nor bones for just a pet.

The bustle of towns,
And their resistance to storms --
Stones which quiet weeds.

God lets no mortal flesh abide his nests,
Constructed permanent to spare their guests
The trouble of shaping bricks and lumber
From the wilderness; -- where he harbors pests.

Fried mush served door-bells,
And aimless horns, to conjure
Screams over breakfast.

Enlightened hearts keep regulations free
Of the recompense fatalists decree
To serve them hope, as hope conforms to fate,
That they never starve nor return with key.

Sour lamentations
Each time the winner takes all; --
Windfalls lost and gone.

Satanic recipes, left on the shelf,
Ought never call the meal before its plate,
Nor render praise which strike Satan himself
As proof his food supplies be out of date.
Better to be consistent with his pride,
And keep the kitchen as his benefit
And boon, since life must kill to eat and bide,
Beyond its means to sleep a little bit;
And when its padded bill is forwarded
From dirt the winds above it hold in trust,
Hell pockets all that exists undaunted
In its rage, and coins new the coins it must.
      Should good of heart go free the devil cries,
      For so he finds his wealth nirvana's prize.

Scribble by Travesty

Cauld in the food, no from the bides. A dog accust,
to coins foresistenefit And aimless home and to
storms over proof dawn -- Stonests prides. A spare
harbors Provides. Fries, Cons food of sheep Fence
life mustorms overs praise fatanic regulations food
lets keep the winner carpet. That and lumber call;
-- Windfall the conjure heart to storms -- when
it hope, as hope construst and bill poor stance
to for so he moon, since life mortal free To repe

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      (Note.) Justice in court means that two wrongs make a right. If there is a jury, the jurors are presumed drunk. Perfect scotch always reaches a verdict. The loser will be done a wrong equal and opposite to be added to the wrong drunkenly presumed done the winner. Yet it seems the word 'justice' also means the return of favors. In court that makes it corruption, or sin in the case of marital favors; though the fatal word also is spoken primly of other family favors, liable at all times to psychiatric broadside, and at times, to speak strangely, is an idiom supposed to approximate the meaning of the word 'sanity.' Many people, psychiatrists included, think it peaches and cream. Others think it no more than a fisherman's convention, as they say, which by convention resembles the big one that got away. Justice at many strange times seems many things to uncourtly people. Such evasion of the courts is contempt of court, in court. Soon enough 'sanity' comes to mean the way two wrongs may be presumed to add up to a right. Such court justice corrupts the language in which it is spoken, and so, jury battle and bottle or no, it is safe to call justice the most cunning of all evils.

Zen weathers new monsoons
Come like lunatic keys,
Should forgotten dearth seize; --
Indeed, there are two moons.

Grown in the back yard,
Apple trees refresh their leaves
With distant breezes.

The exit from this vain world of sorrow
Passes into riotous fires below,
In reason, so they say, that Mammon weep
Till the shades of the modest players crow.

To feel good all day,
And yet to draw death nearer --
Twists and lies of fate.

Schools drive the senses with carrot and stick
And drive them to distraction; often slick
In point of aim and muse -- yet the Buddha
Remands without their vice, nor shell, nor trick.

Grasses long wilted
Prove autumn to be stubborn
And without merit.

The learned hearts of old grew smooth to care
For whims, and vitalized their spines to share
The sly insolence into which they sank,
Proud to please, -- and pride makes death hard to bear.

Busy bees circle
And rush, deaf to voided show
Of nice luxury.

Were lacquer dragons sports enough to fight
In drug-lost dreams beyond appearances
Of upright virtue, then their contests light
The darkened field of darker sentences;
Yet as it is they rest content to glance
Across the fine lawns where blindest winds drive
Lost cats to crimes which bid the dragons dance,
And stir ado to help their courage strive.
When evil then is gone the cats run free,
And gather recollections of their time
To caution them when calls to perfidy
Again should sport their challenges in prime.
      Sedate though those who use no drugs dare ply
      The fitness of their moods, vice quarrels why.

Scribble by Travesty

Zen dearances; Yet and gatheir a grew, So to hearth
distrized crimes rush, deathere share in point
of darker should of darker should of fate. Sedate.
Sedate. Sedate the firest courage straction the
exit frees With cats and quarrels why. Zen hearts
and allenges of fate their challs drug-lost withould
show Of upright The fine them to beyond drugs
wher shadests enough thout to field of aim and light
The firest drugs whers crime lunatence quarrot

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      (Note.) Psychiatry is a branch or division of progressive Science, and shares the faults, follies, and fallacies of its master discipline. What shortcomings are these?
      To note in passing, there is positivist philosophy, which is very progressive, and which borrows a page from the courts and declares there is no proof without evidence, always the only evidence they can find; and then the scientific crowd is led down the path of a witch-hunting mob, until the question arises, on what does the evidence depend? Though the courts do not quite insist on it, positivist philosophy affirms it, that the evidence depends on the proofs in another case,-- no doubt,-- just as with Euclid, etc. In fact Euclid considered it axiomatic that there is no evidence without proof. And there the courts leave it.
      With so fine a philosophy in their pockets the scientists target the idea of status, and astronomy is the queen of the sciences because there is no status without sky-high honor. The dean might withdraw their funds were they not to wish so divine a mask always. Since honor comes and goes unpredictably, status moves freaks to change their face-fronts in an inconsistent way. Nor does Science wish for, or dream of, a world without such a universal masquerade all the while they declare its phenomenality, astronomy, universal; and yet a world without a universe is the world we are all used to, when we wake from our scientific dreams. The very idea! that a single turn, the universe, serves as a single key which unlocks all the doors in creation. Yet Science has confirmed and verified the distances the astronomers calculate, with space satellites. Graphs are also made which intend so to add up to a universal total that their servants can haul away what so is caught in a gigantic net. Then they will sift out the only completely general set of coordinates from their graphs, a set in which the polar meanings plotted never overlap at all. At last the universe of Science will be validated by simple coordinates which prove it all reduces to two meanings. The arithmetic of it is notorious.
      Perhaps, after all, they will give it three coordinates so as to conform with three-dimensional theory, and keep the three-dimensional freaks in cages. Science is used to dreams, and stranger dreams than that. What dreams need to be scientific is definition within the principles of six arrows: front and back, left and right, and up and down. Perhaps the freaks watch dreams from the slant in their sleep, but never Science. Sleep is Syndicate m.o., and so the very devil of irrationality to the scientists, whose only dreams are waking dreams, and thus always three-dimensional. These dreams, accordingly, have superior status, because they are universal. And yet,-- someone might scream at dreams so mad, and so the shrinks are called in.
      To psychiatry dreams begin with an orgy hosted by Jesus and Mary. Dreams of this sort give the greatest satisfaction because they have the profoundest meaning. To match this with a second principle, psychiatrists take recourse to the cliches and sacred cows at school, where orthodox talk always elicits significant responses to questions. Psychiatry converts this cliche into intelligent action in the grip of the group, and there the shrinks let their principles rest. Then they expound the phenomenality of the world supposed to rest on these principles to be a gallery of three-dimensional dreams, each dream self-propellant, and likewise the self-consistent personality of their dreams to consist of self-propellant moods. When a leaf changes its colors and falls from a tree, it manifests self-propellant moods, they opine, as they treat the poor freaks for every chaotic impulse in their freakish nerves. Science, still lurking in the background, yet grants psychiatry whip-hand status over the quick and the mad because the shrinks mask and remask the fixity of six-arrow cages in minds madder for universal enslavement than even the scientists. Psychiatry thinks such enslavement, or uniformity of freak status, in which nothing goes haywire and no one strays astray, banal enough to bank on. It seems there is nothing else in the universe, sleep though it will, but self-consistent madness. And yet:-- nirvana is there in every person's marrow, analogous to the taste of water. Dreams, wisdom finds as well, scatter and vanish without logical connectives. The remedy for the brainwashers of dreams is simply, in a droll twinkle, to wake up.

Largesse to defend cares,
On behalf of routine
And coin, makes Mammon keen
To purchase research shares.

Old dogs learn to cheer
The bitter gloom of winter --
Wisdom in a bark.

The string which goes ahead, though far behind
Its center in his face, should wish to mind
The man with the carbonated temper:
Time, over there -- and twisted into bind.

Melodies of birds;
Silent shadows gathering
Below the waters.

Were the voices of wisdom kept apart,
Jokes at their crimes might destruct losing heart
In doctrinal proofs of severe seasons,
Self-graded deductions from horse and cart.

When the Buddha tells
Sad stories of haunted games,
Free dreams deceive him.

Astronomers who stand to know better
Deny all else than glitter and ember,
Service to the mortuary, next thing,
Though space clouds refute their nets and fluster.

Mad as a hatter: --
The wag who loves words of love
As if they were treats.

Since wilderness beholds the flight of flocks
Gone off to where no highways recompense
Their wonder at the regimen of clocks,
It fetches gardens grown enough to fence;
Lo, scientific planters then arrive
To drug and to develop stranger weeds
Than freedom troubles when it feel alive,
So then to wash more colorful than beads.
In the passage from school to wilderness,
The suchness of skilled work anon resigns
Commands, to end the strikes which thieves confess,
To plans weird flight from merchandise defines.
      On plots restricted to these artisans
      Of slavish evolution, life keeps hens.

Scribble by Travesty

Largess, than freedom troubles ahearch shough thieved
in hight on keeps heads. Largesse to wag who
lover weirds The Buddha tempens. Old with the stories
ahead, there confess, The bind the stroutine
of wilderness, theird flight fetcheseasons words the
seasons, Free deduction, life keen it feel all
else anon kept apart, The res, Freeds rese tronomerchand
temper: -- and to enough the wash evolutine
off to coin, life kept apart. Whens who loves gar

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      (Note.) This is the way theology is promoted at school: the Christian belief in resurrection is a stumbling-block to the Jews, the moralists, and a paradox to the Greeks, the logicians, or so St. Paul acknowledges, and yet he organizes everything confounded, so both stupor of obstruction and paradox, into an elaborate system of doctrine. Let the doctrine be refuted. St. Paul begins both morality and logic with the dogma, unremitting to him, that God is reconciled with nothing mortal. Pointing to the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis, he lays it down as law that the decendants of Adam, like Adam himself, bring death on themselves through the corrupting action of their sins, and so they take leave of God immortal. But those to whom God grants faith, he moralizes, become immortal once again much as Adam had been before his fall, and they are in grace so long as they hold the faith, doctrinal faith at that, maintained by the church at large. It befalls a man the same as would have befallen Adam for the same offense to curse the church on his deathbed. Grace so often seems like a crumpled sheet of carbon-paper, and yet St. Paul was a man of honest and poetic heart. He still declares from an overabundance of hope, idolaters be damned. For the sake of logic he grants the life of Jesus to be parallel, in the opposite direction, with the life of Adam, bringing about the resurrection of the dead, so long as the church washes in the blood of the lamb. According to the church, mortals are pariahs, who are fated to the same evils as weeds. These beliefs are all the doctrinaire pride of a single man to begin with. In point of fact Jesus rose only from sleep, after a few sympathetic soldiers removed him from the cross before he was dead. Since the Romans never acknowledged such unofficial events, caution constrained Jesus to preach the resurrection of the dead and then to vanish into the multitude. So with any grave: as the same matter of fact and as a matter of wisdom Christian doctrine is worthless. The articles of faith, which are meant as teachings for children, on which the systematic doctrine is based, and belief in the resurrection of the dead in particular, are understood in terms of their meanings only when the individual heart feels the spirit, oh my Lord. Theological orations do not help; and, I declaim without details, let the reconcilers of wisdom with dogma, St. Paul first of all, be damned.

Those asleep never take
Their worries as to death
With them; they find free breath
In drowsy thorn and snake.

Branches green with spring,
And gold with long times to snare
Unripe nourishment.

In devotion to the sorrows of pride
There be no substitute for old bromide:
Platitudes craze, with song, tormented moods,
Intoning to dement the prayers which died.

Along the rich coast,
Places where birds fall asleep
Without dreams of twigs.

Long ago Satan made his peace with crime
And projected ambitious plans to climb
Out of hell, and onto wealth's broken ground,
Crying he sold his levels for a dime.

Sermons on trespass
Give way when gloried as luck
And words of custom.

When life quarrels, the Buddha holds the right:
If black shadows cross green cats wise to night,
The brutal scats escape the meals of hell,
Whereas in sleep the dawn will feed their plight.

Erosion come fall,
Yet fragrant sway in summer, --
Wild grapes in the breeze.

To empty the mind of wayward clutter
Fastens regular rules of choice in place,
Rules that appetites for bread and butter
Risk beyond death and lose without a trace.
Ah, would that silence in observance grand
Of humors meant to mend, within the heart,
Their consecrations and redemptive hand
Were of expressive worth to vow and start!
Yet minds in essence void of all desire
Scarce wish to orbit personal routines
As if to picture face and luggage dire
In upright temper will of wealth demeans.
      Poison in the morning breaks freedom's jaw
      Hell-bent to speak its dreams within the law.

Scribble by Travesty

Their plans. Poison the song to night the sonal round,
with crosal green hell and with craze, Rules groutines
in the rich dime. Brant to spring the law.
Their come And snake Their words free brutal routines
of weals for bread and luck shadows crime.
Sermonsecrations and of choice void on tressive wayward
climb Out dreaks freen coast, There Into orbit
pers meant to substitudes for a traces in the right:
If blace in the mind snake. Sermons regular

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