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Raasay Heritage Trust

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This recording has been provided for Urras Dualchas Ratharsaidh, Raasay Heritage Trust, with generous sponsership from Skye & Lochalsh Enterprise, LEADER, and Prņiseact nan Ealan. Sales of the recording will generate funding for a Heritage Centre.

The songs, music, the artistes, and the producer, all have, in some way, a connection to the island. The recording, itself, took place in Raasay House.

The title for the album "An Talamh Brčagha" derives from the name of the area of Raasay from which the photograph was taken.  It means "The Fine Fertile ground".  The cost is £6.00 + postage.

Also available is the book "Duanagan Dain is Dualchas a Eilean Ratharsair, Fladaidh is Eilean Tighe".

Back Cover of Book2.jpg (72771 bytes)This is a collection of songs, poems, stories, and prose emanating from the rich treasure of history and traditions of Raasay, Fladda and Eilean Tighe. The cost is £12.50 + postage.

The image to the left is the front cover of the book and the image to the right is the back cover.  Both of these images can be enlarged for better viewing.


These items are available by contacting:  

Mrs R Mackay, 6 Osgaig Park, Isle of Raasay, by Kyle, Ross-shire, IV40 8PB, Scotland, Great Britain.

Phone: 01478660207 (US dial 011441478660207)





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