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by Kristy

Revaline, a former magic Jellicle, goes back into the tribe as Macavity’s spy…

Macavity watched as Bombalurina sang the song about him with Demeter. They had written it five months ago. “Macavity, Macavity/ There’s no one like Macavity/ There never was cat with such deceitfulness and suavity/ He always has an alibi/ And one or two to spare…” they sang. So true. Macavity thought

He decided to go back to his hide out and try to plan out how to kill more Jellicles. He was passing by a house when he heard a scream and a window shatter. A teenaged cat came running out. She looked exactly like a baby leopard. Macavity fell in love immediately. He could see her muscles tighten as she ran out of the house. She had something in her mouth, but Macavity couldn’t see what it was. “Hey you horrible cat!” a young man yelled. “That’s my girlfriend’s engagement ring!” As the cat ran by Macavity, he heard her giggle. The young man started to run after her, but she ran up a wall and on to a roof. (Yes, she’s that fast, people!) Macavity gaped at that. He never even dared to do that! The man stopped at the wall and swore at the cat. Macavity went to the other side of the building in time to see the lovely cat climb down.

“Hello,” he said. The cat looked at him. “Hello to you, big boy,” she said as she walked past him. “What did you steal?” “That stupid human was gonna give this shiny pretty thing to some other human. These humans! They are stupid enough to give away all the good stuff for free!” She held out a diamond ring. It was beautiful, with roses and dolphins bordering the diamond in the middle.

She reminded Macavity of two subjects that left him a long time ago. They were twins and masters of sneaking and stealing. She was walking away from him. He didn’t want her to leave. “Hey!” The young Queen turned toward him. “Kitty got a name?” he asked. “Who wants to know?” “I do.” “Well, your gonna have to earn to learn my name.” If some other cat said this to him, he would have shredded them apart. But not now. Now he was in L-O-V-E!!! The Queen, however, seemed to be paying more attention to her prize.

“So… are you a stray?” “Hmmm. I know myself as an enemy to the human society. Buh-bye.” “Wait. You hate humans?” “What ever gave you that idea?” “Do you know who I am?” “Don’t know… don’t care! Ta-ta!” “I’m Macavity.” The Queen stopped. “Macavity?” “Yes.” “Hmmm. You are a naughty boy, ain’t ya? Well, it was an honor meetin’ you. Farewell.” “Wait! Do you want to join my gang?” “Hmmm. I don’t think I want to. You do fight the Jellicles, right?” “Yes.” “Well, right now, I’d rather be on my own. I’ve got places to go, felines to see…” “Do you fight the Jellicles, kitty cat?” “Oh, no! I’m way too scared to fight cats of their talent! Have you ever seen them dance? And fight? I’d be a fool not to be scared of them!” “I’m not.” “Well, I guess that brands you as a fool, My Cavity.” “MACAVITY!” “Whatever.” Macavity thought this was interesting. He just yelled at her, correcting his name, and she merely shrugs. This was quite a character!

“Tell me, Macavity, are you still the Mystery Cat, or have you gone soft?” “No. You don’t look like a regular stray cat. What kind of cat are you?” “Like Mr. Mistoffolees from the Jellicles, I am a magic cat. Only I steal as well.” What good a magic cat would be in my gang! Macavity thought. “Well, with your magic, I think that you’d be perfect for my gang. However, are you somehow related to Mr. Mistoffolees?” “Heavens no! I just took a few of the same classes with him, is all.”

“Well, will you be in my gang?” “Hmmm. I think so. Just for a while maybe.” Macavity smiled. “Will you tell me your name, kitty?” “Revaline.”


“Bomba, what’s the matter?” Bombalurina looked up to see Rum Tum Tugger. “Oh, nothing. I was just thinking of the ball last year.” Tugger smiled. “Yeah, you nearly died of embarrassment when I dropped you!” Tugger snickered. “Shutup!”

“Bomba Brains! Nice goin’ with getting’ us caught!” Bombalurina turned to find Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer coming toward her. “Uh-oh.” she muttered. “Why’s you tell Munkeystap that we were planning to scare Jellylorum with a big fat rat?!” Rumpelteazer demanded. “Jellylorum’s getting too tired with taking care of the kittens. She doesn’t need you two scaring the day lights out of her. And don’t call Munkustrap Munkeystrap!” Mungojerrie stuck out his tongue at her. “It ain’t any of your business!” he said. They both gave her their last glare and marched off in a huff.

“Why doesn’t their mother make sure they don’t get into trouble?” “She has enough to worry about already,” Tugger said. “Gwenight has to help Jellylorum and Jenny with the kittens. You know how they are always trying to get away.” Bomba nodded. She left when Tugger’s little fan club ran after him.


“Nice crib.” Reva looked up and down at Macavity’s hideout. “Thanks. You will be staying with the Dames… unless you want to stay with me.” Macavity gave her a mischievious smile. Reva smiled. “I’ll stay with the Dames, thank you… for my own sakes.” “Most of the Dames are gone. They left. Griddlebone, Polka, Dot…” “Yes, I know.” “There are a couple of Dames left-,” “I know, My Cavity.” “Macavity!” Reva laughed. “Just teasin’ ya.” Macavity felt this felling for her, but he couldn’t figure it out. Could this Revaline be his mate? “You’d better get to bed. It’s been a long night.”


Mungojerrie woke from his sleep. Someone was crying. He got up and walked toward the crying. He shivered when he saw it was his sister. She was remembering again, like ever so often. “Now, sweetheart, it’s okay.” Gwenight assured her. “No, it’s not!” Rumpelteazer cried. “She was my responsibility! I let her go!” “No, dear. You both were very young. You couldn’t help it if she ran away. She’s gone, but she wasn’t your responsibility!” Jerrie saw Teazer was holding a small sapphire collar. This made a knot in his stomach. He missed her too.

Revaline was Mungojerrie’s and Rumpelteazer’s triplet. Not many people remember her. Only themselves, Old Deuteronomy, Mr. Mistoffolees, and Munkustrap. No one else. Old Deuteronomy says it was the Jellicles’ biggest loss. She was very kind and beautiful. She did not look like her siblings. She took after their father, a leopard, who escaped from the zoo. Gwenight was not afraid of him. In fact, they became quite the best of friends. He had soon asked her to be his mate. Gwen was flattered. A male’s suppose to pick a mate, but he asked her. He didn’t want her to hate him. She agreed. Soon after that, the leopard was caught by his keepers, and died soon after. The triplets were soon born. Gwen named Mungojerrie after her dead mate.

Revaline had run away when she was just a kitten. After her human died, she ran away with sorrow while she was with her sister. Rupelteazer blames herself for not stopping her, though she had tried. Teazer had grabbed Reva’s collar but Reva unbuckled it and ran off. Teazer kept the sapphire collar, saving it in her wagon tire. She never wore it, though she had envied Reva’s collar before she left, for Teazer had merely a pearled collar. She no longer envied it. She saved it so she can give back to Reva when she comes back. “She’s comin’ back, Mama, she’s comin’ back,” she whispered. “Oh, don’t get your hopes up, dear. We don’t now that.” “SHE’S COMIN’ BACK!” Teazer screamed. She turned to see her brother behind her. “You believe me, dontcha’ Jerrie? She’s comin' back, right?” Jerrie glanced at his mother, who merely shrugged. “Yeah, she’s comin’ back, Rumpy,” he said, trying to confort her. Mistoffolees listened to the whole thing from a far. He tried to hold back his tears.


Reva slept the rest of the night. She dreamed of her life, starting when she was barely born. “It’s three, Jenny!” she had heard a voice call. “My goodness! They are beautiful! You did a wonderful job, my friend.” “Get Grizabella away! She’ll set a bad example for these three angels! Soon we’ll have four Glamour Cats!” “Or just three. This one’s a boy.” “Well, we wouldn’t want these two girls becoming the center of attention toward the Toms.” “Well, Grizabella’s gone.” Reva opened her eyes to see three older female cats towering over her. “My goodness! This one can see already! I think we’ll have two magic cats. Mistoffolees opened his eyes when he was born too.” “How old is he?” “Barely five days.” “Perhaps he and this little miracle will be mates in the future!” smiles knowingly “Hmmm. Maybe!” both giggle. The third one, who was silent, spoke up. “Her name will be Revaline.”

Five months had past as Reva and her siblings grew up. Reva soon learned she was a mind reader, though Misto wasn’t. Revaline grew quite fond of Rum Tum Tugger. He was a month older, but he seemed to be a year old. “Six months,” one of the older cats had said, “and he already has a fan club.” Mistoffolees seemed to be jealous of him, for she admired Tugger instead of him, her future mate! Everyone says that they should go together, so why? She had a lot more in common with him than she has with Tugger. “She’s just going through a girlish phase,” Munkustrap had said. Munkustrap himself, as young as he is, was just chosen to be the second leader of the Jellicles and take the place of the first leader, Old Deuteronomy, when he is gone. He was trying to help everyone. Mistoffolees just held a silent grim face and sighed.

He walked up to Revaline, who was dancing to the music with Alonzo. “Uh, hi, Reva.” She turned. Oh God she’s lovely! he thought. “Yes?” she asked. “Um, uh, Alonzo, may I cut in?” “Sure, Misto.” he said, winking at him. “Good luck,” he whispered to him. “May I have this dance?” Misto asked Reva. “I guess, since you scared my dancing partner away,” she said. Misto blushed. “Oh, uh, I-I’m sorry.” “No matter. Can we wait for a slow dance though? I’ve been dancin’ all night. Plus, a slow dance would be romantic.” She said her last sentence in a whispered. A shiver went down Misto’s spine. Romantic?! he thought. YESSSS! So they waited on the tire, side by side. Reva just looked around at the other dancing cats.

Finally, a slow dance came on. Misto smiled at her. She merely looked down to the ground. They danced the rest of the night. Mistoffolees knew he was in love. Reva, however, couldn’t wait for the dance to end. When it did end, Reva ran to her sister, Rumpelteazer.

Her brother, Mungojerrie, went to Misto. “Nice try, Mistolees,” he said. “It’s Mistoffolees. Any way, why do you say?” “Well, you obviously didn’t exactly swept her off her feet. Did you notice how she looked like she regretted sayin’ yes?” Misto actually didn’t. He was too busy imagining his future with her. “Listen, Blacky,” Jerrie said, using Misto’s family name. “ I’m her brother, so I’ll talk to her. Don’t worry.” “Thanks. In the mean time, can you please give back my magic book?” Jerrie blushed as he took out his stolen book. “You’re not the perfect thief yet.” “And you’re not the Rum Tum Tugger yet.”

Misto flinched. Even the guys know that Reva likes Tugger! He envied him. “And also,” Jerrie continued. “Did you know that Reva’s owner, Littia, died of cold?” Misto nodded. “Reva really loved her.” “Maybe she thinks that flirting will take her mind off the pain.” Misto nodded. “Maybe.”

Meanwhile, Reva was with Rumpelteazer. “I don’t want to be his mate!” she screamed. “Oh, and you want to be Tugger’s instead?” “No, not even him! I hate being a Jellicle! I want out!” “Look, you’re just upset about Littia! I’m sorry, but you have to face the facts. Misto loves you, unlike any other male!” “And the whole stupid tribe expects me to be his mate! That’s what I hate about the Jellicle life. The females get no say in mating. The males just choose, and that’s it!” “But what about you wanting to wait for a slow dance, so it an be ‘romantic’?” “I was just flirting. Demeter does that with Munkeystrap, and she doesn’t get in trouble. But let a female flirt with her expected mate and everyone walks all over her because she doesn’t want him as a mate!” “And what are you going to do? Run away?” “Hmmm. Good idea, Rumpy!” Reva said, running away. “Wait, NO!” Teazer grabbed at her sister’s collar. Reva struggled and then unbuckled it. Teazer fell back, with Reva’s collar in hand. Reva ran out of sight.

Teazer cried, running back to the junkyard. “Rumpy, what is it?” Jerrie called. Misto was still with him, so she had to be careful of what she said. “R-Reva ran away! I tried to stop her, but she…” “What?!” Misto cried. “She said she was tired of bein’ a Jellicle and she wanted to go on her own. She-she wanted to explore the world!” “Oh, no!” Jerrie said. “We’ve got to find her!” “She’s gone already. All we have is this.” Teazer held up Reva’s collar. Misto looked into Teazer’s eyes. He can tell she was lying. Reva ran away because of him. He didn’t need to be a mind reader to see that.

Soon, Reva was quite the purrr-fect thief, stealing everything that seems to have value, and her magic was getting better by the day. Then she met Macavity. Now she was apart of the gang. His gang. The

Strays. She knew she would soon fight the Jellicles. She opened her eyes to see two glowing yellow eyes staring back. She snapped fully awake. It was Macavity. “You were a Jellicle?”


“Uh, how’d you know?” “Most people don’t know, but I’m a dream reader. So, you’re Mungojerrie’s and Rumpelteazer’s triplet. How interesting.”

“What’s so interesting?” “How I can use you to fight the Jellicles. You can spy for me.” “Uh, dontcha’ think since I barely got in the gang, I should wait awhile before my first assignment?” “I usually do that, but not now. I find a lot of use for you.” “Okay, what do I do?” “First, I’ll send you to the tribe. You’ll ask questions about the Heavyside Layer. You come back, we fight them, they cry, we take over the junk yard!” “Okay, um, when do I start?” “Today.”


“Hey, Teazer, I heard you crying last night. What’s wrong?” Alonzo asked. “Oh, nothin’,” Teazer answered. Misto walked toward her, as Alonzo walked away. She was still crying soft, silent tears. “I miss her too.” he whispered. “I know. Oh, Misto, she’ll comes back, I know she wills!” “Yeah, she will.”

“Teazer, Misto, she’s here!” Jerrie cried, running to them. “Who?” Misto asked. “REVALINE!” “What?!” “Oh, I knew she’d comes back! Where is she?” “At the entrance! She said she’s afraids that everyone will be mads at her for leavings!” “C’mon!” Teazer cried to Misto. The three of them ran to the entrance. Sure enough, Reva was standing there. Misto stopped. She’s even lovelier than I last saw her! he thought. Teazer wasted no time in hugging her sister. Jerrie did the same. “Oh, I missed you so much!” Teazer cried. “Well, obviously!” Reva said, being crushed by her siblings.

Misto held back. Will she remember him? Will she feel the same way she did almost two years ago? Revaline saw him. “Mistoffolees! Or is it Mr. Mistoffolees, already?” “You can still call me Misto if you want. Most people still do.” Reva smiled. “Well, it’s nice to see you again, Misto.” Misto smiled. “So, where’ve ya been?!” Rumpelteazer asked. “Yeah, we’ve worried. Espeacially Mama! I mean, all of us were kittens when you left. We even worked for Macavity for awhile to see if you joined his gang!” Reva gasped. “When?” “About a coupla weeks after you left.”

“Oh. Well, I’ve been on my own. I missed everybody, but I was havin’ the time of my life out there. I ran into a few Pollicles while I was still a kitten, but I learned that they aren’t so tough after you made a name for yourself in killing other dogs.” “Why’d you come back?” Mungojerrie asked. “Just out of curiosity.” “Oh, I passed by the junkyard a coupla times. Everytime I passed, I felt a sort of sorrow. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I think it’s because I was homesick. It stopped when I came in.” Reva smiled. “Uh, did you find a mate?” Teazer asked. She still remebered why she left. “No, actually I realized I really wanted Misto, but he’s probably found another.” A shiver went down Misto’s spine. She wanted him! But alas, he was about to be mates with Victoria, an all white cat that was the best dancer in the tribe. He wanted to wait for Reva, not be mates with Vicky. But he can choose. It needn’t be Victoria.

“Uh, no. I wanted to wait for you for the rest of my life.” “Don’t be sarcastic, please. It’s really alright. Maybe Rum Tum Tugger, if he hasn’t found one yet.” That got Misto angry. Rum Tum Tugger again! He wasn’t about to lose Reva over a player Tom! “Really, I wasn’t being sarcastic! It’s the honest truth!” “Oh, well, um, we needn’t talk of mates, do we, Teazer?” “Uh, right! Sorry I brought it up.” “Misto, I don’t want you to lose Victoria over me.” “How’d you know about her?” Reva smiled. “Everyone thought you’d be the mind reader here, but it turned out to be me, remember?” “But I love you, not her!” “Oh, we’ll see what happens then,” Reva said. She smiled at Misto. Will she be his mate? He hoped so.


“Teazer, do they still open up the Heavyside Layer?” “Yeah. The just sent Grizabella up there last year. Why?” “Oh, just wondering.” The sisters remained silent for awhile. “Rev, I’ve got to tell you somethin’. Remember the reason you left was because you couldn’t choose not to be Misto’s mate? Old Deuteronomy changed that so that won’t happen again. Females can choose!”

“Oh, and have you chosen?” Rumpelteazer blushed. “I was sorta hopin’ Coricapat.” Reva gasped. “And how do you think Tantomile will take it?” Tantomile and Corcipat were identical twins, except that Tan was female. They always felt the same because they held a bond within their minds. If one feels sad, the other, even though he/she was miles away and having the time of his/her life, would feel the same way. Teazer shrugged. “She’ll just probably tease him.” The sisters were walking to the tire they shared with Jerrie.

Rumpelteazer started thinking of how life was for her. The three were almost inseparable, till Jerrie started growing up and didn’t want to hang out with girls too much. Then it was the two sisters. Then Reva had left. Then Rumpelteazer had no one, till Jerrie started hanging with her again. Then those two were inseparable. Now Reva was back. What will happen? Will Jerrie leave? Teazer shivered at the thought. She loved Jerrie a lot. What if they both leave? She’d have no one. She didn’t want that. And she didn’t want Reva to leave again. Teazer hoped that Reva was reading her mind so she didn’t have to tell her how she felt. “Are you going to leave again?”she asked. Reva turned to her. “I don’t know.” “Please don’t! I missed you enough already!” Teazer hugged her. Reva breathed in her sister’s aroma. She realized that she missed her a lot too. “I won’t.” she said. “Good. Here, I’ve got somethin’ for ya.” Teazer held out Reva’s sapphire collar. “Oh! Thank you.” Teazer helped her put it on. “I’ve had it since you left. I cried nearly every night.” Reva looked at her sister, and decided she will stay… and quit Macavity’s gang.


“Uh, Tugger, can I talk to you?” Bombalurina asked. “Sure. Excuse me, ladies.” Tugger walked from his little fan club, which looked after him mournfully. “That new cat, Revaline-.” “She ain’t new. She ran away a long time ago. She just came back.” “Oh, well, uh, I think she’s working with Macavity.” Tugger looked at her. “Reva’s a sweet female feline. Why do you think that?” “I have Macavity’s scent on her. She’s slept at his hide out, eaten his food, sat on his throne, cuddled against his chest…” “Bomba, your just getting’ paranoid.” “Hey, I recognized the scent. She’s acting like one of his classy Dames.” “She’s always acted like that.”

“Well, does she seem different from when you last seen her?” “Well, I was barely six months when she left, but I do remember that she always flirted with me and the other Toms. She’s still flirty.” Tugger smiled. “She was gonna be Mistoffolees’ mate.” “Really?” “Yeah, but she ran off. Soon Victoria fell in love with Misto. I think that since Rava’s back, Misto wants her over Vicky.” “Why?” “They’re both magic cats. They had a lot in common. Misto was head over paws in love with her.” “Really? Vicky’s gonna be really disappointed.”

“No one knows the real reason she left.” “But didn’t Teazer said…” “Everyone knew that she was lying. So everybody thought that Reva betrayed the tribe, so everyone forgot about her, except Old Deuteronomy, Munkustrap, and Misto.” “So why didn’t anyone stop her from comin’ in?” “Old D. wanted her back, and so did Misto and Gwenight. Everyone wanted her. She had a very beautiful voice. Everyone liked to listen to her,” Tugger sighed. “So did you?” “Yeah. She wasn’t exactly one of my fans, but she was always flirtin’ with me. I kinda had a crush on her, especially her voice. In fact, I think I wanna be her mate someday.”

Bombalurina felt strange when he said that. She thought he wanted to be her mate. She knew she loved him, but no one else knew. Not even Demeter. “So, do ya wanna meet her?” Tugger asked her. “Uh, sure.” Tugger took her paw and led her to Reva, who was playing Irish Pirate Cats with her sister, the way they did when they were kittens. “Get yer treasure an’ git out!” Teazer cried to Reva. “Never! Yer gonna ‘aves to kills me firs’!” “Hi, Reva,” Tugger said to her. Reva turned. “Oh, hi Tugger,” she said. “I’d like you to meet Bombalurina.” Bomba looked at Reva. “Hello, nice to meet you,” she said. “The pleasure’s all mine,” Reva said. “Well, Tugger, we’d like to get back to our game if you don’t mind.” Tugger looked a little disappointed, but he left, with Bomba at his side. “Yer a strong one, Revy!” Teazer cried. “It’s ‘cause yer weaks, Rumpy!” Reva laughed. “Yer worse ‘an poo dirt!” Teazer yelled. The sisters broke down laughing. “Poo dirt?! Where’d you get that?” Reva asked catching her breath from laughing. “Jerrie, I think. I ain’t sure.” Teazer sat next to Reva.

“So, ain’t ya gonna tell me about changin’ yer mind ‘bout Misto?” Reva looked at her. “Rumpy, if I tell you something, do you promise not to tell?” “I promise.” “Not even Jerrie.” “Oh, this has got to be bad if you don’t want to tell him.” “Oh, this is really bad.” “Okay, you can tell me anything.” “I really like Misto, but he’s not the reason I came back. I’m working for Macavity.” “What?!” “I know, I know. I decided to quit. He wanted me to spy on the tribe. I have to go back to him and make up an excuse for him not to attack. I met him while I was stealing a human’s ring. He asked me to be in his gang. I’m sorry. I thought I learned to hate the Jellicles, but when I came…” “You realized you missed us,” Teazer finished.

“When me and Jerrie went to work for Macavity, I didn’t want to come back, because of all the memories of you. It was hurtful to think of you. After a month of Jerrie tryin’ to convince me to quit the gang with him, we came back and I realized I missed everyone else.” “I’m sorry, Rumpy.” “It’s okay. So you thought you’d learn to hate us, me and Jerrie.” “No, Rumpy, I” “And Mama, and Tugger, and Misto, and Electra, Cassandra, Victoria, Tantomile, Coricopat, and all the others. You thought you can be soooo hateful!” “Look, Rumpy, I’m sorry! Can’t you see I’m trying to apologize?” Rumpelteazer took a few deep breaths and looked at her sister.

“Go,” she said. “What?” “Go! Leaves again. I won’t let you stay when yous were plannin’ to kills us all! Get outta here, sister of mine, traitor of mine! Leaves, before I tell all of the fighters of the tribe to come and kills ya!” Reva looked at her sister in disbelief. This can’t be happening! “But Rumpy, I love you and everyone else!” “You should haves thought of that before! And don’t calls me Rumpy! Only cats I really know calls me Rumpy! Now gets out, or I’ll screams!” Reva stood still. “If I screams, all the fighters will come and kills ya! Now go!” Reva held her place. “GO!” “Go ahead and scream. I’d rather die than to suffer with this image of you hating me,” Reva said. Teazer stared at her sister and collapsed on the floor crying. Reva sat next to her and let her cry at her shoulder. “I don’t know what to do!” Teazer cried. “It’s alright. Shhh. I’m not in the gang anymore. I just have to go back to Macavity and try to stop him from attacking, and then it’ll all be all right. I read his mind. He wants me as a mate. I’ll flirt with him and stop him.”

“Promise you’ll come back safely. Please!” Reva hesitated. “I going to tell you the truth. I’m not sure. I can’t predict the future.” Teazer thought for awhile. “Hey! Maybe Misto can go with ya! Yous both magics, so it’ll help!” Reva thought about it. “Alright,” she said reluctantly.


Misto was pretending to read his magic book, but he was thinking of Revaline. He imagined of her leopard print coat, her maroon and black eyes, her fox-like speed, her soft voice, which sounded like pearls being dropped in a satin bag. He sighed and imagined how many kittens they’ll have together. “Misto?” he heard Teazer’s voice call. He turned and found Teazer… and his beloved Revaline. He suddenly got embarrassed when he remembered that Revaline could read minds. “Uh, um, hello,” he said. “Hi, Misto, we need help,” Reva said, not bothering to give a hint to him that she saw what he was thinking. “Help with what?” “I need you to come with me to Macaviy’s hideout.” “What?! Why?” “Well, it starts out like this…”

Reva explained everything to him, not leaving a detail out. Misto listened to her contently. “And now I have to go to him to stop him from attacking,” Reva finished. Misto thought. “You lied to me when you said you wanted to be mates with me?” he asked. “No! I really like you, but Victoria loves you and no one else. She’ll have no one if you were mates with me. She’s more truthful than I.” Misto looked at her, then at Teazer, then at Reva again. “If you don’t want to help, I’ll go on my own,” Reva stated sadly. “No, I still love you and I won’t let you go alone.” Misto looked at Teazer. “Call Jerrie. All four of us are going.”


“Boss, Reva is back,” Killgrey, one of his followers, said to Macavity. “Alright,” Macavity said. Mistoffolees, Rumpelteazer, Mungojerrie, and Rum Tum Tugger were just outside, under the window, listening to everything. Rum Tum Tugger passed by them as they spoke quietly of their plans. He wanted to help Reva too, but Misto hated to be with him when Reva was around, but reluctantly agreed. He was afraid that Reva would pay more attention to Tugger, but it turned out the other way around. She kept an eye on him, making sure that he didn’t doubt her honesty. He tried his best to block her out of his mind, and it worked. She couldn’t really tell what he was thinking.

Reva walked into the room. “Good morning to you, Macavity,” she said. “Good morning, Reva. What did you find?” “They had improved their fighting skills. All the males are fighting machines and the females can be as well, if they are provoked. I almost got killed, trying to find out about everything. My sister and brother had gotten fearless. They nearly killed me as I tried to get reacquainted with them. Mistoffolees can read minds now, and he read mine. Now they all know about you attacking them tonight. They are prepared. They have twenty Pollicles working with them to kill you. They have the Heavyside Layer secured extra tightly so you can not get in,” Reva lied.

Macavity looked at her. Reva read his mind. He believed her. “You must’ve been so scared, my dear Reva,” he said. “I’ve been through worse, Macavity. You needn’t worry about me.” “I’ll try to think of another plan. For now, come rest with me tonight,” Macavity said, giving her a mischievous grin. “I don’t think so. I feel fear of giving birth to ginger kittens so early.” Macavity got off his throne and walked to her. “Be my mate,” he whispered in her ear. Misto flinched from his hiding place as he heard that come from his worst enemy to his belo