Cooka sleeping (awwww)
Margarita Party with family and friends . . .
Click for Margarita Party Pics
The Godfather and the tiny Sox fan (Dad would be proud)
Patti and Nick's Wedding
Memorial Day
And of course my dad, the best anyone could have asked for . . . we love you and miss you.
John E. Lombardo
September 26, 1951 - May 18, 2002
April Post-Bday 4/11/02 (21st birthday)
Spring Break 2002 Summer 2001 Pics (in progress) Christmas 2001
Holiday and Family Pics Loyola University Pics The 'Ad' Page
The Prom Page Some of My Fave Girls... Group Action
From Iowa Visit Just Some Random Pics Xavier Visit
From the Accident Christmas 2000 More Random Pics