Gina and I at Cherry Red . . .
Monastero's has really good food! Request Elena as your waitress :)
John, Oriana, and I at John Barleycorn
Bruce makes sure we spend a lot of time at Barleycorn...
Bruce's 22nd at Cornell
The reason for my big smile these days...
Bill turns 21
Gette is a, um, well I believe the word is 'pimp'...
And I am the queen of I'm-sorta-drunk-got-back-home-and-just-figured-out-I-have-one-picture-left-so-i-should-obviously-take-a-self-portrait :)
Just another night with the girls...
Another of Liz's random guys. Notice a slight resemblance to anyone?? The thing we call him these days starts with an "a" and ends with a "hole."
Princess Lynn and Prince Kyle's cheering squad
How'd I end up with this many beads? O:-)I want to go to the REAL Carnaval!! Who's up for it next year???