Dotty's RR Domain is gone. Is it ever coming back? Probably not. I just lost interest in the whole thing and I realized how annoying my entire site was. I don't like Road Rovers as much as I used too.

I would still like to keep in touch with all the people I met when my site was up. My new AIM is x Ryukuu x. Feel free to AIM anytime. Also, I have a livejournal. If any of you have one feel free to add me. Also, my Neopets username is 'gundamchick'. So if any of you have Neopets, feel free to add me as your neofriend.

I do have a new site if anyone really cares. Who knows, maybe they'll be some Road Rover art or fanficion there one day. Its Moonlight Destiny

Its been fun. See you.