The Quiz
Some people are naturals at receiving benefits from hypnosis. Take this quiz to determine how easy it is for you to enter into this calming, receptive state.
Hypnosis allows you to enter into a calm, receptive state where you can focus on helpful suggestions. You can never be forced to do anything against your will. You, not the hypnotist, are in control. Yet, some people are more easily hypnotized than others. To find out how easy it would be for you to be hypnotized, take this quiz.
Choose A, B, or C
- Close your eyes and imagine yourself at a movie. How clearly can you picture your favorite actor?
- (A) extremely well
- (B) vaguely
- (C) can't get it
- You're on a diet and you're bored. Ice cream is in the freezer. Will you
- (A) leave it there
- (B) take one bite
- (C) finish it
- You're most comfortable in a
- (A) plane
- (B) train
- (C) your own car
- Imagine a place where you were happy. How well can you re-expereince it?
- (A) well
- (B) so-so
- (C) barely
- Your boss chews you out in front of co-workers. How well can you control your emotions?
- (A) I'm in control and won't lose it
- (B) I can hold it in for a while
- (C) I blow up
- How long does it take you to fall asleep?
- (A) ten minutes
- (B) closer to half an hour
- (C) at least an hour
- Imagine you're in love. How vivid is your image or feeling?
- (A) very vivid
- (B) somewhat vivid
- (C) not clear at all
- You're last off a bus and you find a wallet filled with money. Assuming your intentions are honest,you
- (A) take it to the driver
- (B) take it to the police
- (C) take it and call the owner
- Finish this sentence. I daydream....
- (A) a lot
- (B) from time to time
- (C) barely, if ever
- Think about a proud moment whenfriends cheered you. Close your eyes and try to re-experience it. It was
- (A) easy to re-experience
- (B) you finally got it
- (C) difficult or impossible
Give yourself 10 points for each A answer, 5 points for each B and 0 for each C.
55-100: You have a great imagination; you trust and let go. You're a natural for hypnosis and for reaping its benefits.
25-45: If you can get past your analytical approach and focus longer on the imaginary, hypnosis will become easier for you.
0-24: You are very analytical and fear giving up control. It would take longer than average to hypnotize you.
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